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Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:51 am
by velm
That is the best you can do, +25 for taming.
Almonds, a chef food will grant you a bonus on top of that, I believe it is 17%, could be wrong, have not looked at, or used my almonds in a while.

There are also BE clothes for Mask scent, I find it VERY useful for avoiding unnessary encounters. I mastered Scout, to help with the mods, I think it has paid off.

In a nutshell:

If your pet drops in combat, you can forget about any xp for that entire battle. With that in mind, the best thing to do is to 'tank' it for the majority of the battle and let the pet get one or hits in near the end. I used to wait until the ham bar on what I was fighting would drop to between 1/3 - 1/4 and then send in the pet.

It can be rather slow going, but I spent more than a few days on Dath going after Rancs. Using a Razor Cat, I could get between 650 -750 xp per Ranc. So for a lair, would give around 6300 or so xp. If you want to stick around and finish it off, that is an extra 18,400 cred in your pocket. I prefer the 'cats', Grand Wrixs, Razor Cats, Greater Sludge Panthers when I was leveling up, in fact, i still have most of them.

Petstims are your friends for those times when they take the aggro instead of you. I have a few crates of them. There is also pet food, Blap treats. They can be fed to the pets for a bonus in their health. I have some for +820. It is a little something extra. Plus, it is neat seeing them say 'yummy.'

You CAN buff the pets to let them last longer in battles. However, IF you do get them buffed, it will go away when they are stored.

I would recommend harvesting hides from rancors and finding a tailor and see they if they could use those hides. You could make a good friend that way. Offer them a few thousand hides, and they might be able to get you a few sweet deals on stuff. Networking.