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Couple of Things

Relevant news about Creature Handlers and SWGCreatures
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Couple of Things

Postby Juntao » Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:33 pm

First off, I added a Google search bar. I have found that it does a pretty good job at searching the site for unusual search terms. For example, using the Google search, you can find terms from the creature comments, color commentary, as well as text in the forums. Anyway, I found it to be helpful for those unusual search areas. I may just move it to the Advanced Search area though as I think it may be crowding up the main pages.

Next, I would like to draw your attention to It is a website a friend of mine put together to help players keep track of each other through the plethora of MMO's out there today. Basically it's a cross game character tracking site that can help you find people in other games. For example, if you look up Juntao under SWG, you'll find that I also played CoH (briefly) as DocLetifer, as well as my EQ and soon to be WoW personas.

Anyway, the site is just now getting off the ground so I'd be appreciative if you would help him out by checking it out and possibly offering feedback to him!

Also, he has a little web daily turn based game called Haven War which is kinda fun that you can check out as well. But beware, I'm pretty ruthless on there, hehe!
Juntao Ta'kor
Master Creature Handler
Ahazi Galaxy

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