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melee character & ch . mostly tips.

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melee character & ch . mostly tips.

Postby tido » Fri Jul 16, 2004 6:13 am


Im a pure melee character, pikeman . I just have been playing alot of close combat with my pets, and i have found out couple of interesting things.

a) If you dont want that your pets take all the damage, if they are babies & weak (this lets you use even smaller babies (sometimes)), you can sometimes draw your targets attention to yourself by trying to get under it, going around it, this lets you tank the blows. IF you can take it :p

- That is the trick i use, most of the times they start hitting me instead :)

b) an attacking macro is usefull, ie. /attack; /pause 10; /tellpet gethim
The pause seems to be essential, because i have noticed that if you command your pet to attack, after you have succesfully hit your target the first time.. your target what ever that is, selects your pet instead. Note that sometimes you still need to resort to trick A) .

c) an macro example, i wrote this when i found desert eopie spawn-madness with my lvl 6 dewie. I have to write it as i remember it, dont paste & copy this one.. there might be errors :P

/ui action cycletargetOutward;
/pause 30; (takes time to run there)
/pause 10; (more or less, so you can hit your target by yourself more then once)
/tellpet food;

If all goes as planned, your pet wont even get hit, because you are following your target as it goes backwards and your pet is behind you.
This just requires that you can deal the blows. I have successfully used rock beetle baby with me against mountain worrts. :p

More tips:

a) your pet doesnt have to be involved the combat situation from the start, only a second is enough to get exp, your pet has to be able to hit or miss just once, and you get the points :). Taking the combat posture is not enough, your pet has to try.

b) grouping with your pets can be sometimes dangerous, because if you are using mask scent, your pet doesnt get that , so its open for attacks. Its open for attacks from npc enemies too, i think if i remember right my pet never got attacked from NPC's when we werent grouping.

ALSO: for Everyone a taming tip, always holster your weapon, write /peace before you try to tame an aggressive baby animal, or even an non-aggressive. Always remember it :).

Thats it, for now. i know that some of these might be obvious. but i still wanted to share my thoughts.

Posts: 282
Joined: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:57 am
Location: Corellia ... Server: Kauri, Wanderhome

Postby Juicer » Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:51 pm

hmmm ive never tried usin the /peace thing. thanks :)
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