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What is the best animal for the most CH xp

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What is the best animal for the most CH xp

Postby Englad » Wed Oct 27, 2004 4:28 pm

im currently going for master CH and master TKA ( both tanks ) :D

im 3-3-2-3 in CH and i am soloing sharnaffs, they only give 420 xp for sharnaff bulls anything give alot better xp *preferably on coronet *
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Postby Kriegan'shka » Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:09 pm

I think thats the best xp you'll find on corellia...But I can offer a suggestion as I'm also TKM/MCH. You'll think I\"m crazy but go tame a baby bagerset. Get the very best pet stims you can find. Go to the mission terminal at Legend City and if you can't get sharnaff missions, just patrol around near there and you're bound to run into sharnaff.

Why missions ? mainly because mission lairs are predictable. Two to three critter out when you arrive. two to three on the first \"tickle\" of the lair. and two to three when you take the lair down to half damage.

I keep a dl44 pistol to pull the sharnaff one at a time. I always manuver so I'm 50+ meter from the lair. And keep my scent masked as much as possible. I have my baby bagerset \"stay\" at 50m and go in and get \"one\" sharnaff, and then move back to within command distance of my pet.

I fight the sharnaff til its ham is down about 70% and command the baby to attack. In most cases the sharnaff will completely ignore the baby. And you will be rewarded with some amazing XP.

Its slow and methodical, but I think you'll find its well worth it for the amount of XP you'll get, and getting paid some nice credits at the same time pays for your buff and any pet stims used.

I didn't discover this technique till about half way thru my CH training as I was pretty much a loner and didn't have any CH friends to pass on their experienced advice to me. Things really started moving for me tho after I started fighting babies....And thats the main reason I stuck with it.

I'm sure there are many ways to go about it...This is just mine, and I think you'll be pleased with the results if you decide to give it a try.

The same technique works well using a level 20/30 tamed pet on bull rancors if you desire a bit more excitement...... :)
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Postby Cyclone » Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:02 pm

What I think is the best way? Get a low lvl pet with ranged (cu pas work good for me), go to Mos Eisly and if there are Valarian's thugs spawning, there will usually be a group of people there killing them. Ask for invite, make a macro (you don't really want to tell the critter to attack every time a Valarian spawnes manually) and have a pack of petstims with you. Leveling CH without petstims is imposible, unless you use a high lvl creature on low lvl ones. But that takes forever. When you've done that just keep clicking on Valarian's and the /tellpet attack macro will do it's stuff. I got 80k that way in 4 hours (noone said that there will be a fast way to grind CH, but that is pretty fast... for CH) but I used a full grown cu pa. If you use a baby (let's say a lvl 8 or 9 out of 11) you should get more xp. You can always use a macro that targets the valarians, just be sure not to dose off like I did, cause your critter needs you and your stims! You can imagine what happened to the cu pa...
\"Si vis pacem, para belum!\"

Master Swordsman,
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Postby Kriegan'shka » Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:35 pm

I've done something similar to cyclone on Tatooine near Lady Valerians casino. Theres a swooper slum there that spawns swoopers constantly. I have a giant rock beetle I tamed in the mountains near Mos Eisley with 9300 h/a/m and a nice ranged skill. I just put it on \"guard\" and enter the slum and all hell breaks loose. The swoopers that attack me with meelee are toast by me...And any that run away to use ranged on me go down quickly by \"Beetljuice\" my bug.... :) The big difference tho was that I wasn't after XP like Cyclone was...I was trying to find adhesive for my darn gong kit...... :) the cool thing was that my bug knew when to use his ranged skill and when to fight meelee.
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Postby velm » Sat Nov 27, 2004 4:32 pm

When my connection stays up, I find taking Swamp Gurrcat missions and direcat missions provides decent xp. around 170 or so, and Bagersets give 180, if I recall. I prefer the cat missions because of the chances to get pets. Then on the way back, I will stop outside of town and let my cat 'play' with some of the easy things outside of town, gubbers and whatnot. So, by the time I come back to town, I have at least 1,000 CH xp after my missions, if not more.
I usually try to take two missions in the same general area, helps on the cash, as I find that whenever I get a good sum, a few hours later, I am nearly broke again.
Paralope lairs provide a fun time with cats as well. I just unequip my weapon, and will target paralopes in the distance and watch my cat zoom out there in a grey flash and get 100 xp or so for each one. Then when she comes back, she looks so cute. (It is a shame they could not have cats bring back a dead animal for you like in real life. Well, they do that sometimes.)
I also noticed something interestering, when she is hurt, she will come back limping.
Banthas give good xp as well, me and a buddy of mine went to tattoine and saw a Bantha lair and got tons of xp for those guys, they just stood there for a while while they were getting shot.
But, I prefer to go in alone. It gives my cat a better chance at getting a kill, or part of a kill. As when I pair up with my buddy, the combat just goes by too fast. This way, when I am alone, like it has been posted before by others, I can be more methodical in what I do. I can take my time and be patient and when that job is done, on the way back I can have my cat have some time out with some gubbers or paralopes.
MCH/Master Scout/ Rifleman 2/2/1/3/ Ranger 0/0/3/0

(actually, i dropped the ranger and became a master rifleman before the NGE)
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Postby Cyclone » Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:07 pm

Well, THE best creature handler xp I got was form the squill caves. I used a full grown mottled wrix and got 520 xp per Mountain Squill, 620 xp per Mountain Squill Guardian... In the end I got about 40k xp for one pass and it took me half an hour for one pass. Great for the last few boxes (although I'm against grinding, but going nowhere for two weeks just drove me there...)
\"Si vis pacem, para belum!\"

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Postby Englad » Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:29 pm

this weekend i managed to master CH :>! master CH master TKA and now going for pikeman

Now ive mastered CH can i move from CH newbie help forum? :)
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Postby xiriss » Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:57 pm

congrats, good job
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Postby Englad » Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:37 am

ty :>
chrakov (euro chimera)
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Postby chrakov (euro chimera) » Fri Dec 17, 2004 9:33 pm

best way to get xp is hunt enraged rancors u get 1500 xp each enraged rancor but mak sure u hav pet stims

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