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First update to swgcreatures

Relevant news about Creature Handlers and SWGCreatures
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 3:15 pm

First update to swgcreatures

Postby Dorelli » Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:36 pm

Hi everyone!

Well the first page of changes I was working on has hit 'live' as they say now. Any changes I've made are on the listings page only at the moment. It should fix the following:

- references to armor are currently stripped out but will go back in when we have values for every level.
- references to special resistances and the like have been removed.
- the health is displayed correctly
- you can now see all 3 special attacks but this will be revamped even further with some exciting new ideas that will be part of a later version!
- when you search on DNA values it will now give the correct sample for the animal in the listings rather than repeating the same one for all.
- DNA values that have been entered in the database that were not showing up in the search listings will now be displayed.
- Hopefully searches will be noticably faster due to a bit of recoding and removing the unneeded values.
- The planet names only appear once and not multiple times in each listing.
- Kashyyyk now has the right number of 'y's

Don't forget to submit your bugs and if you have comments on the new 'look' do please post.

More bug fixes and changes coming soon.

Dor (why do i suddenly feel like Tiggs?) :)
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 3:15 pm

Postby Dorelli » Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:44 am

Something similar is actually in the works. We are planning to record what specials are learned from what animals in what % by asking people to track them.

For the empties tho - i'm not 100% sure it would work. You'd have to be truly dedicated to go all the way to swgcreatures on every tame if it was empty. Maybe what we should have is a pop-up that can sit over swg in windowed mode and it's a bit like a counter. As you tame, you can pull down the creature and the special you learned (empty if it is).

Additionally we might have something that reads input in text format of some kind.

I think this actually belongs in the discussion section now ...


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