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Best DNA Samples?

Discussions pertaining to the bio-engineer profession

Best DNA Samples?

Postby Guest » Wed Mar 31, 2004 9:56 am

I'm currently a BE 2-0-1-0, and the best sample that i have gotten has stats all lower than 350. What is the next skill that i should raise, and is there anything special i should do before i go DNA hunting?

Posts: 34
Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:39 am

Postby Koireu » Wed Mar 31, 2004 12:26 pm

Well, I am not much higher than you, but from what I have seen the creature you are sampling pretty much sets the stats, that, and the quality of the sample. When you raise the DNA sampling bar you will get better samples, with higher stats. Right now you are probably getting mostly low quality and below avg quality, with a few avg thrown in. When you get to lvl 2 you will not see many low quality and get some above avg thrown in...

Save up for some +25 maskscent clothing. You can buy these from a tailor. I believe there is other clothing purchasable for other stats, but I will have to let some one else fill you in on these...
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Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:46 am

Postby Ethmami » Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:57 am

as far as sampeling goes, if your on Tantooine stay with bantha, giant beatles, zucco boars, dewback those give off the highest with the giant beatle being the highest on that planet i havent really went to other planets to see what there like..... oh and best be prepaired for a failure you'll definalty get attacked
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Postby Yvesof » Thu Apr 01, 2004 10:36 am

My two cents....

If you're going to be making creatures for sale with these samples, you may want to consider going up the experimentation line as well so you can equal out the HAMS for the final combine. That's actually the first one I went up since customers are always willing to buy quality items, even if they are the low tier ones.
Yvesof Tabec
Master Bio-Engineer/Carbineer/CH
Resident of Minerva, Naboo
Valcyn Server

Postby Guest » Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:35 pm

Cool thanks guys, i guess i'll work on that dna :)

Any ideas on what raises that bar fastest?
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Postby Raoaocat » Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:38 am

For people with relativly low sampling ability I would always recommend a visit to the Khamurra biogentics lab on Talus. Each creature in there gives at least 299 sampling XP and you can sample virtually everything in there whislt standing outside at teh back of the building. Thus you get some pretty decent samples statwise for 0 risk as the creatures can't reach you. With brandy you should be able to sample everything in there in under 30min. Once you get higher levels of sampling ability you might want to try creatures on other worlds that give higher XP levels. You might want to try a few voritor dasher missions on Dant - decent XP and you get DNA that is very useful for making non-ch pets! :D

Postby Guest » Fri Apr 02, 2004 10:10 am


Thanks for the replies everyone :P
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Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:09 pm

Postby superpyro666 » Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:15 pm

[color=red:3faae9ff36][/color:3faae9ff36] hey my name is kacerott and iam on the server flurry can anybody give me a walkthrough of bio engineer?? iam almost to novice i need like 5k more xp plz send tell. :lol:

Postby » Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:01 am

When i was just novice i went out coronet and did the easy spawn creature over there, like durni etc. They give 100xp. When i was a level higher i went to dantooine and i did devilers and shaupeuts on naboo give like 200xp. When i had level 2 i did piket's on dantooine gave me like 200-300 xp. When i had level 3 i went to correllia and i did naffs, they gave 358 (naffs) - 480 (naff bulls). Now i have level 4 :)
I am also wearing a bio-outfit. Gives me +30 mask scent and +30 camoflage. This is very handy, and creature sometimes not even notice you doing something to them. Als a lot of the naffs can be harvest between 1-6 times.

Postby » Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:06 am

i mean davitor dasher instead of devillers :)

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