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DNA Sampling IV in one day

Discussions pertaining to the bio-engineer profession
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DNA Sampling IV in one day

Postby NivorbiaN » Tue Jan 27, 2004 7:18 pm

I mastered the BE proffesion twice, first time i gave it up due the bugs, and multiple crittical failures.

but i love the proffesion.

Tip: make sure you get DNA Sampling I, (sample the small gritters around the city's, avoid flying ufo's as they r hard to sample)

mask scent (+additional Bonus clothes)
1 master docter buff on all 6 stats
1 mind buff (when not found, take Angerian fishak suprise(DRINK) and bivoli tempari(FOOD), both expencive but no downer so no time recovering.
when not found, or not the credits, get some nuon gold (downer) and cheaper

make a shortcut in the toolbar with the:
/follow command
/sampledna command.
/peace command

PRESS /PEACE BEFORE U START SAMPLING (not hitting an aggro makes it less aggo when u enter it's field of view again)

then head for talus, and find the lost city of durban in the POI.
sample the sludgepanters there (a run true the city sampling all panters makes a easy 20 a 25k xp, then u have an half hour left to sample all the critters around the city, and empty the boxes. *loot boxes with highly desired goods for bio engineers.

you can make an easy 30k to 40k per hour that way.

keep in mind that every minute not sampled is a minut of nose picking.

AGGRO: Don't kill a panter that goes aggro, it'a a waste of xp and usable dna samples. *RUN Forrest RUN* and then when the x disapears, press the /peace, /follow and /sampledna again. (when mask fails, don't panic!)

the loot boxes give a nice loot that makes up with the miss of mission cash, what was the price on milk?
o, no u said mollusk you where looking for?, will horn do?

good luck !
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Postby Nitsch » Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:51 am

I prefer to drink a breath of life and eat 2 rycantes (jacks your focus and quick up high enough were you don't take damage when sampling).
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Postby AmonChakad » Sat Feb 28, 2004 1:28 pm

I went to that city and there were no creatures! :(

Postby » Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:13 am

This is not good advice. The animal he mentions in this city have death blow, and the XP is not that high. You can do it faster and safer by going to Endor, masking scent and sample all the higherr level, Bol's, Roba's, Lantern Birds etc. Sample the animal with no DB.

Postby » Sat Mar 06, 2004 9:07 am

Personally when on Talus I like to go the the bio lab for the Kahmurra DNA. You can sample every creature inside the building if you stand at the back. As they are inside and down a couple of levels they are unable to attack when they get aggro. The only ones you can't sample in this manner are the 4 mutants and 1 GE at the front - i.e the ones outside! Good DNA at no risk - what more do you want?
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Postby Raoaocat » Sat Mar 06, 2004 9:09 am

sorry last post was from me - didn't realise I wasn't signed in :!:
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My advice

Postby EvilScientistChakra » Wed May 12, 2004 5:25 pm

I did local creatures outside of Coronet for DNA 1 and 2, then went to dant and got Piket Plainswalker missions for 9k a piece. Once you have DNA 2, they dont aggro as much anymore and you can get a few samples out of them per piket/plainswalker. They are worth 300-400 xp. I did DNA 3 and 4 only working on plainswalkers and pikets. Made money at the same time and had to make several trips due to full inventory and backpack with dna samples.

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Corbantis Server
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\"I have a dream...its to make a durni that can tank the Krayt Dragon.\"
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Re: My advice

Postby Koireu » Thu May 13, 2004 8:26 am

[quote:4f57b1e41a=\"EvilScientistChakra\"]I did local creatures outside of Coronet for DNA 1 and 2, then went to dant and got Piket Plainswalker missions for 9k a piece. Once you have DNA 2, they dont aggro as much anymore and you can get a few samples out of them per piket/plainswalker. They are worth 300-400 xp. I did DNA 3 and 4 only working on plainswalkers and pikets. Made money at the same time and had to make several trips due to full inventory and backpack with dna samples.[/quote:4f57b1e41a]

They also have MILK. That helps a LOT since you can't harvest BIO kills...
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Postby ForceAssassin » Thu May 20, 2004 11:30 am

I got the last part of the tree from gurk lairs on Lok. Get two that are about 200m or so away from one another. Sample everything there to death, then tap the lair and IMMEDIATELY peace. About 3 seconds later the lair will do an autotick on dmg and spawn unhostile gurks. Sample the second spawn to death and go to the other lair. By the time you repeat this process (given the lairs are 200m or more apart) the first lair will heal itself to full and have a new spawn of gurks when you return. They don't DB, so don't run, if you incap twice THEN \"run forrest run\" as it was so eloquently put, but its not usually necessary. Gurk Tracker DNA is good stuff and will fuel a lot of lvl 22-28 creatures in the first generation of the breeding process. Most will do about 120 to 160 dmg and are good lvling pets if you elect to go with CH as they have decent kin resist and are hardy creatures. You won't get milk, but LOOT EGGS from the lairs. These will be useful later on as creature protein or tissue ingredients (depending on what the quality spawn on Lokian Eggs happens to be ATM).

Hope this helps,
-Force Assassin

~Nunc lento sonitu, dicunt, morieris.~
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Postby Severus » Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:08 pm

Here's a sampling macro that I used which allows you to virtually afk sample on the way to 1 and 2:

/ui action targetSelf;
/ui action cycleTargetOutward;
/pause 5;
/pause 10;
/ui action toolbarSlotXX;

It works best where there is a large spawn of newbie creatures, I used it around Keren starport on Naboo.

Make sure you have your weapon it if they aggro, and field view in the graphics tab of the options menu (ctrl + o) should be maximized.

For sampling 3 and 4 I did blurgg missions on Endor - 400xp per blurrg, they don't DB or chase very far

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