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Skill Tapes / Clothes

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 7:53 am
by QuikSniper

I am after some skill tapes and clothes that would be good for a BIO Engineer

does anyone have an idea what I should get and have they got any

I have a crafting apron with 4 slots in it with +5 exper and +5 assemb, thats the only thing I have got atm.


Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 10:18 am
by Yvesof
The only skill tapes I've found that may be useful for us BE's are the med experimentation ones (which you couldn't put on that apron anyway) and camoflauge (but only if you have ranger skills or a ranger friend to apply camo to you). other than that, nothing. kinda disappointing that even artisans get skill tapes and we don't. :?

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 1:13 pm
by QuikSniper
hmm will they change it do you know?

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 3:04 pm
by Yvesof
I expect they would at some point since people have been complaining about it on the official forums since the skill tapes were first fixed. I wouldn't expect it too soon though, especially since they have the Combat Revamp, the Space Expansion, and the Jedi Revamp as well.
My suggestion is just to get the other articles of clothing that you can wear with that apron and try to get another +5 to med experimentation to go with it. At least then you'd have an extra experimentation point (it's takes +10 to count as 1) to use on your medical subcomponents. I plan on doing that at least when I can get ahold of one of the aprons. :)

Essential Skill tapes!!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:12 pm
For all of you who knows how difficult it is to even get close to an aggressive creature, such as an Mutant Rancor on Dathomir, my biggest suggestion would be Mask Scent and Camoflauge. If your a Ranger, then use the Camo Kits. I have noticed a slight difference in my DNA sampling abilities with high levels of Mask Scent. I have 142 Skill points in Mask Scent with the clothing I wear, and that helps out ALOT.

A Master Scout must wait 20 seconds to re-scent himself if detected. I was only required 4 second wait....

Master Bio-Engineer
Corbantis Server
Father of the Level 85 Gurrcat

\"I have a dream...its to make a durni that can tank the Krayt Dragon.\"