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Fair Price List

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 12:41 pm
by ApolzDetsun
Can someone suggest an appropriate price list for BE pets.


Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 11:58 pm
by Phiane
It all depends on the pets stats and what the economy is like on the server you're on.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:37 pm
by Yvesof
You should see all this information in other posts here.

I generally charge 1k per CL and that works out fine. 15k/30k/45k per crate of light/medium/heavy food nutrients.

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:41 am
by Warrote
I am on Bloodfin which has a inflated economy. Let me give you the CH perspective since I am not a BE.

For a CL 20-23 pet with armor and 60% kinetic, I would pay 100k easy.

The key is to provide a great combo. You could earn a mint if you came up with three consistent pets whose CL adds up to 70 if you sell them as a group. If they all had armor, high kinetic, decent energy, a good combo of specials (you have 6 specials to play with for a good combination such as knockdown, strong poison, strong disease, dizzy...etc) I would easily pay 500k for the three and my quess is you could sell a great combo for $1M.

You could even market two for tanking and one for PVP. Oh...and make one of the three mountable as well.

Just my two coppers.

~Warrote of Bloodfin

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 3:49 am
War is correct as with any good salesman or manufacturer a little market research goes along way. Know the profession you are trying to sell to. Lets face it as far as pets go CH is our only market. Get a feel for what they can and cant do. Know the lvl for triplets and twins. I actually talk to the CH on my servers any chance i get. Whn I first started i was so obsessed with throwing poisens and diseases in my pets because I thought that is what everyone would want, but after talking with some Ch it seemed as if they all wanted some sort of knockdown in the pets. In fact they said often when hunting creatures the poisen is a waste. It was a shock to me. So find out what the demand is and go from there, and remember your pets are as valuable as someone is willing to pay.

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 6:42 am
by skitzosylon
I am a Master BE on the chilastra server....I am considered by some to be the best on the server....I normally sell my pets from 75k all the way up to 300k..depending on the pet....I sell my uber level 10's for 75k each...that is the level 10's with a 9-10k health...5k action and 3k mind...with 59 kinetic mega kimos go for as much as 300k...and they have 13/12/13k ham...60 kinetic...33 heat and cold....580-590 damage....usually between level 64 and 67...I make razor cats and other types this way as well...I try to give a fair price on my pets cause the insanity of prices on any server are a bit crazy to me....I'm known for giving away pets all the time....I don't do BE to get rich...although it is making me such...I do it cause it is fun and i'm good at it....if you have any questions feel free to contact me....

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 8:50 am
by dauri

i have the following schema:

First at all I have a base price for the CL

CL11-16 = 10k
CL17-22 = 12,5
CL23-28 = 15k
CL29-34 = 17,5k
CL35-40 = 20k
CL41-46 = 25k
CL47-52 = 30K
CL53-58 = 40K
CL59-64 = 55K
CL65-70 = 70K

Next I have several modifiers

Light Armor= +10K
Kinetic Resist 0%-19% = +0k
Kinetic Resist 20%-39% =+5K
Kinetic Resist 40%-59% = +10K
Kinetic Resist 60%+ = +20K
(same for the energy and stun resists but only if in combination with good kinetic resists)

Ranged Attack = +5k
Good specials like Knockdown,Strong Disease,Strong Poison, Crippling = +5k per special (stun, dizzy, etc I dont use in the calculation)

For very good attack-rates, resist-kombinations, etc. i normally add another +5k or +10k. I normally only sell high HAM pets, for low HAM pets i take of 5-10K depending on level :)

I think this is a fair calculation.

Itha - Master BE on Lowca

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:30 am
by Aia
I had the same problem finding prices, but the level of a pet ist not the indication of the real quality of a pet. There are bad ql 20 pets and very good ql 20 pets, so i tryed to have a formula based on the stats.

Basic Formular Health/100 * MinDamage


Health:8400, MinDamage:160 = 84*160 = 13440
Health:7200, MinDamage:320 = 72*320 = 23040
Health:10400, MinDamage:510 = 104*510 = 53040

you could add some rules like:
- never sell a pet below 5000 cr
- light armor adds 5000 cr
- pets wich can only be createt by BE-Masters (rancor/famba ...) adds 5000 cr
- add all resistince values together, multiply by 10 and add the value to the price

If you do it this way and sort your vendor by price, you will see, that the most expensive pets are realy the best, independend to the QL.

Also remember Phaine \"It all depends on the pets stats and what the economy is like on the server you're on.\"

(sorry for my bad english, not used to speak it)

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:54 pm
by Juicer
The other post Yvesof was referring to is

....i think :D

but on that post we were discussing wild creatures, could help a bit

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:11 pm
by ColdBrew
I am not a BE. Prices on my server seem high IMHO. Today I did find a Gurrcat 40CL Light Armor, 60 kin, 11k HAM, 400 Damage, two so so specials. I paid 70k and I think that was a complete steal. Other pets of that quality are 200k plus.

But finding a really good quality BE pet has been really hard. Probably the most common question I ask. Do you know any really good BE pet crafters. 90% of the responses give me locations of pets that are no better than natural pets IMHO.