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Where do i find Graul Maulers??? Dath or Dant? :?:

General site discussion area
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Postby Cohen01 » Sat May 01, 2004 3:58 pm

South west corner of dant is proberly the best area for all types of gruals.

My house is there on the border of the bloodmoon town on the naritus server, and i regulary step out to be greet by that silly smile on a grauls face thats just begging to be wiped off.

Graul mauler missions are only 11k on dant.
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Postby ForceAssassin » Sun May 16, 2004 8:02 pm

Hire a ranger to track one for you, start south west.

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Postby Tathos » Fri May 21, 2004 11:51 am

[quote:6c8165d5b4=\"Husarz\"]Grauls livs ONLY on dantoine. No dathomir. In the begining they was on dath, no more now. [/quote:6c8165d5b4]

This must have happened while I was away. Did they switch/remove home planets of any other creatures?
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Postby cressa » Tue May 25, 2004 12:31 am

Just some advice don't follow the wp!I did a few times wasting my money on flights and traveling to the wp to find nothing there! :x :evil:
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Postby Tathos » Tue May 25, 2004 12:42 pm

[quote:10d215ce62=\"cressa\"]Just some advice don't follow the wp!I did a few times wasting my money on flights and traveling to the wp to find nothing there! :x :evil:[/quote:10d215ce62]

Given that the waypoint was originally generated from a creature sighting, and is thus not falsely entered, and given that the spawn area hasnt changed that much ... you should follow the waypoint. But understand what kind of information a waypoint will give you.

All a waypoint means is that there was a spawn at that general location, on the day of the sighting. Given enough of these, and some basic guestimation on how the system works, the collection of waypoints offers a set of places *around* which to look. If the waypoints are somewhat compact in area of coverage, it increases the likelihood of knowing that there is a higher probability of a spawn happing in that area.

So what does all of this mean to someone who wants to use a waypoint (instead of paying a ranger, or wandering around completely aimlessly)?

Go to the waypoint location. Get off your bike/mount, and stay in the general area for a while - the system will not spawn things unless there are people in the area. After a few minutes to allow the game to know that a general area has a player in it ... start circling around the waypoint location, in incrementally larger circles (a spiral pattern is what is usually used). Once you start getting fairly far away from the waypoint, perhaps 300km or so, start circling back inwards. Do this until your patience wears out and proceed to the next sighting-dense waypoint set. If you find what you are looking for, add the waypoint to the database (so that others can benefit from probabilistic weighting). If you dont find what you are looking for, save the waypoint for some other day, and try again.
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Postby Zurlaboo » Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:38 pm

Spotted a graul mauler lair on June 10th, 2004. It was against the northernmost border on Dantooine, above and slightly west of Marianas city. It was just starting to turn light (early morning) and yes, there was a baby sitting between two adults. In my searching for graul spanning most of that week, I found more graul maulers than any other type. I used a strategy similar to the one Tathos described. I activated all the 'sightings' waypoints at once and walked from waypoint to waypoint, stopping briefly at each waypoint. I wasn't aware that a player had to be an area for a lair to spawn. Perhaps had I paused longer, I'd have found my prey sooner. Also, Warrote mentioned that they spawn twice a day. I found this to be true as well. Until I read his/her post elsewhere, I was a very frustrated graul hunter. Happy hunting :)

One tame at a time,
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Postby ColdBrew » Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:32 pm

Is it possible to get a graul mission?

I can only get a max of 32 level mission for 9.5k.

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