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Need Highly offensive Pets...

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Need Highly offensive Pets...

Postby Lepus » Sun Jun 06, 2004 1:02 am

I have never been a BE, and only did a little CH when i first joined galaxies...

Being Master Doctor for myself and 3 brothers, i sorta have to keep this class but would like to hybrid it with CH sometime soon

With Doc though, i can heal pet like crazy for PvE, so the only real stats i want on a pet is Damage, ToHit, and AttackSpeed...

What's the best way to get the best DPS out of CH? 3 lvl 23's? 2 35's? one really big one? and where could i obtain such creatures? I'll go BE if it calls for (since every other BE i know is busy putting the 'kick' into all of the chef foods lately)

I'm from the Tarquinas server, heard GSP's USED to be good damage, but is there anything a bit... higher?

Thanks for any input or advice in advance
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Postby Zurlaboo » Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:19 pm

Hey Lepus,

I'm still very new to CH, and accordingly, I get to pester master CH's all the time for training. Most of them are more than happy to indulge my questions about the profession and, coincidently, I always ask the same question that you've asked here.

The usual response is \"It depends on the situation... what you're fighting... what type of damage they do... how many there are... blah blah blah...\" Basically, non-commital type answers. But they all seemed to orbit around the \"one big pet\" theory more than the multi-pet tactics. I'm about 4000 xp away from Management 3, so I'll have my own opinion soon too. :)
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Postby raven28690 » Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:27 pm

if i am needing the xp i only use my lvl 18 BE razorcat but if my main concern is just defeating what ever it may be i pull out as many cats as possible especially the ones with high damge.

i never do pvp so most of my pets have mainly high kinetic resis and high damage.
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Postby Gath » Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:43 pm

From what Ive heard it doesnt matter how many pets you use, as long as the levels add up to the same you will do about the same damage. I dont have any personal experience on that (yet, starting to get up there now.)

In general, you will be able to get a stronger BE'd pet than you can get tamed. And if you specifically want a pet with lots of damage and lots of HAM you could probably (eventually) find a BE that can tailor a pet that has almost no resists or specials, that would lower the pet level which means that the end result can have that much more HAM and damage.

I dont think its such a good idea to aim for high HAM though, if your just going to use it for PvE then get one with good kinetic/energy resist (and if possible, armor) which does good damage instead of has high HAMs. In the end its the same thing, but it saves you mind and stimpacks.

I dont know if its easier for them to make one high level pet or 2 midlevel for that result though. Personally Ive had a lot of success in having 1 pet with got good kinetic resist and good HAM, and another pet with lower HAM and resists but that has ranged. Make two attack macros for them and use the high resist one to attack first, and then after it got aggro you add the ranged one. This will keep the mob on the tank you want which makes healing easier, and gives more room for damage dealing on the other pet. The downside is when you get adds, but as long as the ranged pet has decent resists and HAMs it works just fine. (Savage Quenker + Piket Plains Walker is my current lineup, the walker has 40% kinetic and almost 10k HAM, the quenker has 35% kinetic and a bit over 5k HAM, they work nicely as a combo for me, for now. Their cheap too as you just pay for the trip to Danotooine :))

Anyways, if you want to max damage output, get BE'd pets, ask the BE master about which he can make the best, 2 L35 pets with lots of damage and either high HAM or high resists in kinetic/energy or 1 L70 such pet. It should be about the same in the end, and I think it matters more on the BE's skill than if you have 1, 2 or 3 pets.
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Postby Juicer » Wed Jul 28, 2004 4:48 pm

whats PvE?
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Postby Lantyssa » Thu Jul 29, 2004 11:16 am

If you sacrifice HAM, armor and resistances, a pet's damage can scale up somewhat. I haven't tested how far, although that does give me some ideas for a balanced tank with a support pet.
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Postby Zurlaboo » Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:39 pm

(... PvE = Player vs Environment, pass it on...)
One tame at a time :)
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Re: Need Highly offensive Pets...

Postby Gath » Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:53 am

[quote:6280d278d3=\"Juicer\"]whats PvE?[/quote:6280d278d3]

Oops, I didnt even notice I used that abbrevation.. Reflex, hehe.
But yeah Player vs Environment. As PvP means Player vs Player.

[quote:6280d278d3=\"Lepus\"]Being Master Doctor ... [/quote:6280d278d3]

It just occured to me that being a master doctor you probably have buffs around +2.5k to health and action.. If you dont mind using the stims for it Id recomend getting pets with high Mind and low action and health, you can easilly buff upp the action and health to make them good tanks even if they have very low HAM. Which would leave more room for armor and resists on the tank pet and even more damage on the support pet.

It might also be an idea to have 2 pets in that scenario. With 1 pet (10k HAM say) you could only give it 2.5k more, but with 2 pets (2x5k HAM) you could give both 2.5k more which totals to 5k more HAM.

Of course if your fighting death blowing things frequently you might want a big strong one so you dont risk it dying too often as the deathblow will reduce their vitality.
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Postby Lantyssa » Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:39 am

To me, more important than buffing their health and action is their constitution and stamina. On more than one occassion I've pointed a doc offering free buffs to my pet instead of myself because it makes a huge difference.
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Postby Gath » Sat Jul 31, 2004 4:25 pm

[quote:d35c9e3b71=\"Lantyssa\"]To me, more important than buffing their health and action is their constitution and stamina. On more than one occassion I've pointed a doc offering free buffs to my pet instead of myself because it makes a huge difference.[/quote:d35c9e3b71]

True, but AFAIK you cant tell what your pet has in the secondary attributes, nor could you design a pet with high secondary attributes? Which was why I only bothered mentioning the primary attributes as one can only assume that the secondary stats are some fixed mutiple of the primary on pets.

Or can you tell what the secondary stats are?

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