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what animals give wooly hide in large portions

General site discussion area
Posts: 74
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:05 am

Postby Electro » Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:41 pm

There's a trick to get around it if you want to spend a lot of time running back and forth. You will only get the \"skinny 1 hide per creature\" if you are inside of the cave/lair. If you lead the creatures outside before you kill/harvest them, you'll get full amount that you would normally. If the spawn rate on the Woolamander Temple wasn't so long, it would be a good source of wooly, since its not a long walk to get them out the door. But it is time consuming leading them out and going back in for more, so its probably better to get missions or find wild spawns.
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Joined: Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:57 pm

Postby Gath » Fri Jul 30, 2004 5:01 pm

[quote:a80505943f=\"Zurlaboo\"]You're right, they do :)[/quote:a80505943f]

Ah good, I was starting to worry that I was going senile :)

Gualama missions on Naboo can get you a fair bit of wooly hide (especially if your higher level so you can just plow through them, then you can get quite a few pops per wave). Giant peko peko's give lots of wooly each, but unfortunately you cant get them as missions.

Squalls on rori is a decent source for wooly, just go outside restuss and slaughter away and you should get a fair bit of them, although thats more suitable if you need rori wooly hide, or if you cant handle the gualama missions.

Thats about the only sources Ive found for wooly personally, I dont have too much use for it myself.
Posts: 26
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2004 12:58 pm

Another vote for Gurrecks

Postby Ocean » Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:17 pm

If you're high enough, or can get a good group, go for Gurrecks on Endor. The hilltop hunters only give about 80 or so per kill (grouped with 1 other person, 1 level 67 rancor, and having master scout + novice ranger), but you can get missions for them.

If you come across any straight up gurrecks (no missions avail, random spawns here and there usually NW of Smuggler's Outpost), they are not aggro, but once you attack one, they /do/ baf. I took on four last night grouped with only my rancor, and I got over 200 wooly hide off of each one.
Nohic Loma
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Location: Maine

Wooly Hide's

Postby Nohic Loma » Tue Aug 17, 2004 6:16 am

If you Need Wooly Hide's Come to Naboo.
A Little Town Called LakeSide there are Peco peco Bird's there.

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