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Non CH

General site discussion area
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Non CH

Postby Megamachoman » Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:38 pm

Can non CH's use any BE pet or does it still have to be below creature lvl 10?

also my mount wont be called out any more how do i make it usable any more?
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Location: Ahazi

Postby Eltheria » Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:03 pm

From all I have read and understand non ch is lvl 10 pet period as max on lvl.

For your mount, take a look at its lvl. Did it grow more?
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Postby Zurlaboo » Tue Sep 14, 2004 2:48 pm

One of my non-CH alts bought a level 9 BE ikopi. When he tried to call it, he got a message like \"This creature is beyond your ability. Would you like to adjust the creature's level or would you like to adjust the creature's attributes?\" I adjusted his attributes so I could at least call him. Basically, it's now an expensive, normal ikopi. *Sigh* So I'm not sure if non-CH can use BE pets or not. Mine didn't seem able to.

What type of creature is your mount? Does it still have 'vitality\"? What level is it currently?
One tame at a time :)
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Postby Cyphaze » Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:56 pm

Non-CHs [b:e40470871e]can[/b:e40470871e] use BE'd pets, but they must be under level 10 and in a [b:e40470871e]non-aggressive creature skin.[/b:e40470871e] For example, although BEs can get Woolamanders down to level 10, they are aggressive creatures in the wild, and therefore even if a non-CH does have a level 10 Woolamander, he will not be able to call it, since it is aggressive.

Some more information about your mount would be helpful, e.g., max level, creature type, etc.
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Postby Nytar » Thu Sep 16, 2004 4:44 pm

Hey Zurl did you get that Ikopi from my vendor?

If so, I will refund you, or can replace it with another. That's one of the problems we have as BEs. We cannot predict if the pet is going to be valid or not at the moment. Sorry about the problem. :(
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Postby Zurlaboo » Fri Sep 17, 2004 9:12 pm

Nope, Zurl is still my only character on Tempest. I haven't unlocked nor can I afford a second account to two-box :) Besides, if I ever felt like I was gypped, I'd email you in-game. :)

Ya see, once Zurlaboo starts pursuing Jedi in earnest, I think I'll eventually have to start dropping CH stuff. Since I'm not ready to stop being a CH, I started a character on Ahazi who will be exactly what Zurl is now by the time Zurl has to give up CH. Crazy, eh?
One tame at a time :)

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