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Special Protection vs Effectiveness vs Vulnerability

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Special Protection vs Effectiveness vs Vulnerability

Postby Juntao » Sat Nov 15, 2003 1:57 pm

Do these categories actually DO anything? It seems to me it doesn't matter if something has 50% to kinetic, it has the same effect regardless if it's a special protection, effectiveness, or vulnerability?

Can anyone shed any light?
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Postby osrim » Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:34 pm

i am still trying to work out the special protection vs effectiveness stuff, buti t looks like if an animal has 50% vulnerability in kinetic for example, kinetic damage is twice as effective on it when attacking it.
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Postby Caelain » Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:03 am

If I recall correctly:

1) Effectiveness: This is the 'General' resistance rating of the creature. You'll notice that for any given creature type, there are usually no more than 2 different values. 1 of them is always 0, the other is the 'general' resistance level. There are some exceptions to this, but they may just be data errors. /shrug

2) Special Protection: These are the resistances that vary from the 'General' resistance. You'll notice that they're not necessarily the same as each other, and they're never the same as the values in Effectiveness. For all intents and purposes, this is no different than Effectiveness, except for the % resistance differences.

3) Vulnerabilities: These are the attack types that the creature has no resistance to whatsoever. When a creature is attacked by something it is vulnerable to, the attack totally ignores the creatures AR, treating it as AR0. From what I understand, damage is also increased by any percentage shown.

So, as an example, take an Enraged Reptilian Flier, which has 5% Blast Special Protection, 30% Energy Effectiveness, and 0% Electricity Vulnerability, as well as light armor (AR1)

So if it gets hit with:
1000pts of Blast, it takes
1000 * (1 - 0.05 Special Protection) * (0.5^1 Light Armor AR1) = 475pts

1000pts of Energy
1000 * (1 - 0.3 Effectiveness) * (0.5^1 Light Armor AR1) = 350pts

1000pts of Electricity
1000 * (1 - 0 Vulnerability) * (0.5^0 Armor Bypassed AR0) = 1000pts

Too much math. Glad the computer does that part for us.
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Postby Lantyssa » Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:35 am

Caelain pretty much sums it up.

Effectiveness and Special Protection really come into play for armorsmiths and how their experimentation works. For our purposes, these function exactly the same.

There are rumors that special protection plays a role in things like critical hits that bypass armor, but to my knowledge this has never been verified (and virtually impossible to do so).
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Postby Akari » Thu Dec 18, 2003 7:41 pm

According to Armor Smiths, there is a difference between Effectiveness and Special Protection.

Effectiveness can be ignored by armor piercing, while special protection cannot.

For example:
30% effective against Kinetic with no armor.

If you attack that creature with an AP0 weapon, that 30% takes effect.
If you attack that creature with an AP1 weapon, you hit for the full damage.

However, take a creature:
30% Special Protection against Kinetic, with no armor.
If you attack that creature with AP0, the 30% takes effect.
If you attack that creature with AP1, the 30% still takes effect.

This is why a GSP (using the pre-nerf stats) with its 60% special protection against kinetic will hold up way better against AP1 than a Grand Wrix will with its Light Armor and Kinetic Effectiveness. (25% was it? I forget now). The 60% will always be blocked by the GSP's Special Protection, whereas the Light Armor and 25% Effectiveness will be completely bypassed by AP1 or higher on the Grand Wrix.

Or take a pre-nerf Mauler with its 75% special protection in Kinetic and Light Armor.
If you attack that creature with AP0, you lose damage to the Light armor AND the 75%.
If you attack that creature with AP1, you lose just the 75%. Which is part of the reason Maulers were such uber-tanks.

So in certain situations, Special Protection is way more important than ordinary armor.

There was a way more detailed article about this on for a day or so, before it sunk into the 'premium only' section of the site.

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Postby Electro » Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:07 pm

The special effectiveness is simply a different number than the effectiveness, nothing more. Armor piercing weapons will null \"armor\" only, they will never null regular effectiveness. Still, a GSP is better than a Grand Wrix against AP because the AP will null the armor. The 25% is still in effect, its just a lot less than the 65% of the GSP.

Effectiveness can also be 0 now. If something has 0 for effectiveness but has armor, and is hit by an attack with no AP, the armor of the creature will still be in effect. Vulnerabilities, even if hit by a weapon with no AP, nulls the armor, hence the creature is vulnerable to the attack.

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