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Agressive? Stalker? Red dots?

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Agressive? Stalker? Red dots?

Postby Drayen » Wed Feb 11, 2004 5:09 am

I'm experiencing strange stuff with the \"red dots\" recently and was wondering what you guys have noticed.

Yesterday on naboo, i passed by a nightspider lair with babies. Those appeared as red dots on my radar though not agressive
Agressive : no
Stalker : no

A few hundreds meters away, a lair of Hermit Spiders appeared yellow on my radar, and thats right because they are
Agressive : no
Stalker : yes

Did you also notice \"unusual red dots\" recently? I feel this happens more and more and, seen some boards i read, i'm not the only one..

Second question :

Whats, following this website, the \"stalker\" and \"social\" tags ? Social means if you attack one, they all come on you right? But what about stalker (sorry, english is NOT my mother tongue :-))

Thanx alot
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Postby ranja123 » Wed Feb 11, 2004 8:40 am

Stalkers come after you but wont necessarily engauge unless they get close. Hermit spiders are a bad example cause I was with a friend on Naboo and when my mask scent dropped I got the \" you are being stalked by a hermit spider\" message.
I ignnored it cause I was on my bike and busy, the spider came up and just sat there looking at me. I thought it was strange cause it didn't attack.
We sat for a few minutes and when I re-masked the spider went its merry way.

Generally if you get the \"you are being stalked\" message the critter is haulin butt to you even if mask is still up and will likely attack when close enough. I find masking and re-masking a few times gets rid of the stalkers in that situation.

Hope that helps
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Location: Wisconsin

Postby Balkroth » Sun Feb 15, 2004 11:52 am

Actually I have noticed that creatures on my map are changing from yellow to red. Yaa for SOE. I never had this problem before but I guess it's because of the bigger lag in the game now.
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Postby FarStryder » Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:16 pm

I am seeing all creatures on radar starting off as yellow, then about 0.5 seconds later they will change to thier appropriate color of red for aggressive/aggro or stay yellow for non aggressive. This is on the Intrepid Server.
All babies are yellow on radar now. It is sooooo easy to spot babies on Endor, Dath and Yavin now.

Hmmmm... a nest of creatures on my radar, four red dots and one yellow dot around the nest. The yellow dot is always the baby.
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Postby Emmy » Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:10 pm

FarStryder -- Ive noticed this too. Im on the starsider server so it seems it is not specific to yours. It started up with update 6 and im not sure if its lag or by design. Nice about the babies tho eh.
[size=14:aa04034794][color=green:aa04034794][b:aa04034794]Emmy CultSlave[/b:aa04034794][/color:aa04034794][/size:aa04034794]
[size=10:aa04034794]Creature Handler[/size:aa04034794]
[size=10:aa04034794][color=green:aa04034794][b:aa04034794][url=]Cult of Sarlacc[/url][/b:aa04034794][/color:aa04034794][/size:aa04034794]
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Postby Rcguy140 » Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:57 am

It is part of publish 6 when babies arent aggro now. it isnt a bug, its whats meant to happen. As for the creatures stating off as non-aggro, id think its just to generate the animals now that babies arent aggro :wink:

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