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best pet??

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Best Pet?

Postby ForceAssassin » Tue May 25, 2004 7:47 am

Yesterday I made a Shear Mite:
Lvl 24
9k Health
7k Action
7k Mind
Light Armor
45% Kin
Vuln Acid,Stun
580-590 Dmg
No Specials

He's Neato,

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Postby brandyaddict » Tue May 25, 2004 8:56 am

:shock: thats an insane pet force!
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Postby Warrote » Thu May 27, 2004 8:56 pm

Take your pick:

CL 16 Gurrcat
10.7K H, 7.2K A, 5.3k M

No Armor

Kinetic 60

Dmg 360-370

Sp1 Blinding
Sp2 Intimidation

CL 23 Gurreck
9k, 5k, 6.1k

Light Armor

45 Kinetic

120-130 dmg

Sp2 Stunning

CL 24 Gurrcat

9k, 5k, 6k

Light Armor

Kinetic 40

Dmg 170-180

Sp1 Strong Poison
Sp2 Strong Disease

~Warrote of Bloodfin
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Postby Ebisu » Thu Jul 15, 2004 5:34 am

My new rancor has 13k HAM, 300 - 400 damage, 60% kinetic resistance and two specials (cant remember what they are)
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Postby Rose'Lin » Mon Jul 26, 2004 5:12 pm

anglea spider 50 lvl,
light armor,
15k Health,
14k mind
14k action
dmg 549-610 add poison *wink*

by the freind gave me, lol
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Postby Gath » Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:58 pm

[quote=\"Viking\"]Yeah well, dont expect to hold on to that for much longer.

I have a similar bantha, but less kinetic. Im not so certain its beyond whats \"legal\", but either way he wont loose it. I got some pets from a BE friend and one of them was made over whats allowed and it asked me if I wanted to increase its level or lower it stats to a legal range.. Granted it uses the average wild levels for that calculation so it will make it a lot less useful, but its something I guess.

As a side note. I dont get it why they block the BE pets when you try to *CALL* them (or was it tame?) instead of when they are being made, if he had sold that noone would have been able to tell it wouldnt work before they payed. Kinda makes you wonder if you even dare buying BE pets from people you dont know, you might get a great deal for a pet that you have to add 25 levels to or remove all resists and lower the HAM and damage (oh btw, if you get the question, choose increase level unless its already L70, the stats they get if you choose to change stats suck, it removes all non-standard things like specials and resists.)
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Postby Juicer » Wed Jul 28, 2004 4:45 pm

heh i think BE pets are a disgrace to all creatures :D

i only have wild

my best one so far is a War Gronda, it has either 6000,6500,or 6600 HAM...i forget...and i dont know the other stats either :)
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