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Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:04 pm
by ChainSaw
A few nights ago I took 2 Wasteland Cupas... but yesterday, I took 5 Kliknik babies, 2 Warriors, a Normal, a Defender, and (drumroll please) a Scout.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:24 pm
by xiriss
Just got my highest level pet a savage pugoriss��named Tusk

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 7:29 am
by Sheeana
Arch Widow, I know its quite rare, so maybe I shouldnt mention mine came from the first lair on my first trip to Endor to look for one :) But I dont see the big deal, it hasnt impressed me in combat, although its one tough little bug :)

My latest additions

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 9:36 am
by Iakimo
I just added a gleaming lantern bird (named \"Talon\") and a mature hanadak rock smasher (\"Percy\"), to have some more pets that can stand up to laser fire. A really nice side benefit to the bird is his ability to keep up with my svoop! Very cool. I think he could outrun it, even. He seems to have plenty of pedal left when playing catch-up to me.....

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:03 pm
by Electro
My most recent tames have been a Kinad Baz Nitch and a Noxious Vrelt Scavenger.

Right now I'm trying to get a few more BE pets and replace my current ones because they aren't very good, but I'm having a heck of a time finding a BE to actually do it.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:10 pm
by elvigy
Still a fairly new CH so I can't go after the really rare ones, but I have been going after the highest level I can as soon as I can. So just a couple days ago I got the ability to tame lvl 26 creatures, looked through the SWG Creatures list and deciced on on a gaping spider to fill that lvl 26 spot. Took an hour and several tries (not to mention a couple close death experiences) but I got it. :)

And last week, I got lvl 24 and went after a spitting rawl. Now THAT was an experience. It took me a while even to find a lair, then an hour and a half of \"managing\" the lair to produce a baby, lol. Then finally tamed the baby on only my second try. I was thrilled to pieces. So I can only imagine how I'll be on my first real rare. I'll probably faint.

Anyway, till I can go after some of the high level rares, it's all about what I can handle for now. And it's been thrilling so far!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:30 pm
by Cyclone
Today was a very good taming day for me. I'll start at the lowest lvl and work up...

While helping out one of my guild mate with unarmed xp (we had a group of 5 people), some of the guys took giant rock beatle lairs. Tamed one after 4 babies killed. Then I wanted to go to Dathomir SO much, that one of the group members took me there (or me him...). Anyway, here's where the real fun starts. While hunting for (yes, you guessed it) Bull Rancor babies I tamed a rancor. The two of us went through 3 lair untill he had to leave. The last lair was left for me alone. On the way to that last lair I found 2 lairs of rhoa kwi pack leaders and guardians. First came out a guardian. Aggroed. I quickly jumped on my swoop and got away from him... Then turned back for a second try and nailed him! Then another guardian. Decided to kill him to leave room for a pack leader. Then turned towards the other nest Two pack leaders and a guardina were guarding it. Killed the pack leaders and left the guardian alone, since there will always be one guardian and two pack leaders guarding it. I only had to wait for the baby... And my waiting was rewarded. I got a baby pack leader after three tries, once an aggro (note to self: Buy more taming clothes).

And I almost forgot. Before the rhoa kwis, I tamed a gaping spider hunter wandering around the bull rancor lair. Ofcourse I had to get rid of the rancors first...

That were my tames for today!