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General site discussion area
Field Biologist
Field Biologist
Posts: 88
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 10:31 am
Location: Somewhere north of Bree. (\"Oh... real life? Erm... Huntsville, AL... I think...\")


Postby Iakimo » Sat May 21, 2005 12:53 pm

[quote:9802f965cd=\"Maltas_Luce\"]Lol, thats a really stupid question.[/quote:9802f965cd]

I take it you've never been a newbie, Maltas. You just sorta beamed into the world a fully-grown adult. Oh, wait... [i:9802f965cd]are[/i:9802f965cd] you an adult? I doubt it....
Iakimo Wioga, Jedi Padawan
Former Master Bounty Hunter/Master Creature Handler

Field Biologist
Field Biologist
Posts: 88
Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 10:31 am
Location: Somewhere north of Bree. (\"Oh... real life? Erm... Huntsville, AL... I think...\")

level-10 dewbacks

Postby Iakimo » Sat May 21, 2005 12:59 pm

If you can tame creatures, look for a lesser dewback baby.

If not, and you're looking to buy a mount, either find a friendly Creature Handler or pull up your Planetary Map, double-click on the \"Vendors\" folder in the column down the right side of the interface, and double-click on the \"Bioengineer Vendors\" subfolder to open it up. Then, once you see the list of vendors, you can highlight them one-by-one by single-clicking on their names. This will display a pushpin-like marker of it's location on the map. Most BE's keep a stock of level-10 mount deeds in their vendors.
Iakimo Wioga, Jedi Padawan

Former Master Bounty Hunter/Master Creature Handler


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