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YES, Creature Handling is \"Iconic!\"

General site discussion area
Field Biologist
Field Biologist
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YES, Creature Handling is \"Iconic!\"

Postby Iakimo » Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:40 pm

To prove the point that the Creature Handler profession is indeed an \"iconic\" element of the [i:9d0a5aac21]Star Wars[/i:9d0a5aac21] universe, I submit the following thread, crafted in the Creature Handler section of the SWG Forum. It quotes directly from the official [Star Wars] website's databank, with hyperlinks directly to the source material, where you can view shots take directly from the various movies. I took three posts to list all the entries of exotic tamed or captured beasts I found. Makes quite a read. Enjoy![code:1:9d0a5aac21][/code:1:9d0a5aac21]
Iakimo Wioga, Jedi Padawan
Former Master Bounty Hunter/Master Creature Handler

Field Biologist
Field Biologist
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Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 10:31 am
Location: Somewhere north of Bree. (\"Oh... real life? Erm... Huntsville, AL... I think...\")

The list

Postby Iakimo » Fri Nov 11, 2005 1:56 pm

It's meant to PROVE Creature Handler SHOULD be the 10th \"iconic\" profession, rather than be cut out of the game.
Iakimo Wioga, Jedi Padawan

Former Master Bounty Hunter/Master Creature Handler


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