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Prowling Gurreck tameable?

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Prowling Gurreck tameable?

Postby Tyndaleon » Wed Feb 25, 2004 10:45 am

This is the first and only site I've found which lists this creature as producing babies and being this correct and they now produce rare babies or is this just an error which needs correcting in your database? Thanks!
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Postby Lantyssa » Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:12 pm

It's impossible to say short of someone seeing one and adding a comment that 'Yes, I really saw a baby'. They might be [i:77cab98d84]really[/i:77cab98d84] rare which to most people equates to no babies...

That is where the baby rarity comes into play. If almost no one has seen a baby, it should be rated a 10 even if listed as having them.
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Postby Abraham » Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:38 pm

ive had a prowling gurreck that i tamedlvl 45..i didnt know anyone considered them rare......but they do exist. i sold mine when i got my first real gurreck:P
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Postby Ocean » Mon Mar 22, 2004 5:10 pm

Yes, I really saw a baby. Two, actually. Prowling gurrecks do not have lairs, but sometimes like to hang around other types of gurrecks. If you get missions for crazed gurrecks or forest gurreck stalkers, you may happpen upon some prowling gurrecks. Saw two babies in three days.

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