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Reducing Exp from having Multiple Pets out - Bad Idea?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 3:48 pm
by BaronWombat
IMHO - this is a bad idea. The player is making a choice as to whether they have one big pet or two (usually) smaller pets out. I can go after much bigger Mobs with my big pet (with much larger rewards) or go after smaller ones with my multiple pets (with much smaller rewards x 2)

If somebody goes after too large a mob, their pet(s) gets squished and they lose game time and assets.

I think a solution that reduces the Player choices is not a good way to go. Address the fundamental problem without reducing gameplay.

**SOE has a great resource here of interested parties. They can post a particular issue and ask for suggestions. I dont know what this is supposed to solve, it just means that I will only use the one biggest pet instead of having a lot of fun looking for great combos. :(

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 5:18 pm
by Juntao
The whole reason they are doing this is to slow XP gains for creature handlers. I'm not quite sure how others get CH XP, but I know it took me nearly a month to get to MCH. Obviously I didn't macro, and I didn't hard core grind it out either.

For the more casual player, this is really painful. For the macroers, it just means they'll have to do it longer.

Who knows what the net result will be and it will still be a while before this goes live (from my understanding).