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what stats do kimogillas usualy have when u get them as pets

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:31 pm
by klek
what stats do kimogillas usualy have when u get them as pets? and do they have any special attacks or commands

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:26 am
by unagi-sashimi
That will vary widely as Kimogilas are solely Bio-Engineered pets. They are not tamable in their natural state. So, depending on your Bio-Engi, the creature can have varying levels of everything, and mostly any special attack. I can't tame mine yet, but he does damage in the range of 450-500.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 12:52 pm
by raven28690
im not able to look at mine atm since im on a different pc to give accurate stats but from memory mine is lvl 63, 12k ham, 65 kinetic resis (dont remember the others), 450 - 550 damage, special one ??? (cant remember), special 2 strong poison, and he has ranged attack.

kimogillas, I have two pets

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:39 pm
by Rose'Lin
I got two tame kimogillas at LOK planet
kimogillas is 64 level
kimogillas is 70 level

there's pretty strong than a rancor =)

kimogillas 70 level (I think dont use it)
dmg: 1045-1300
HAM: 15300
Light Armor

kimogillas 64 level
dmg: 500-610
HAM: 10300
Light Armor

good lucky
Master Creature Handler