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My Stable (feel free to add yours)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 4:31 pm
by Ninjecko
First of all... if there is a way to search other people's pets currently, by all means, TELL ME!!! =)

This is a few of my beloved pets:

1.) Bark Mite Burrower Queen
2.) Arachne Webmaster
3.) Gaping Spider Queen
4.) Gaping Spider Hunter
5.) Arachne Warrior
6.) Bile Drenched Quenker
7.) Plains Hunter
more to come.......

~Ninjecko (Starsider)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 4:36 pm
by Ninjecko
Well..... I just figured out that if I went to the member list and click on people's names, I could see their pets. But what we need IS a way to search a particular creature and have the results show us all the users that currently own one of them. =) So, if that is possible, I must be missing it some where.

I wanna be able to search my pets and see how many others actually have theat type. To see if what I have is POPULAR or RARE!

~Ninjecko (Starsider)

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 7:59 pm
by Juicer
hmmm thats a good idea. Post ur idea on the suggestions page and it will probly be added soon :D

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:40 am
by tido
I havent put my pets on the profile yet, but soon i think. Anyway my current pets and their Combat Rating to me:

1). 3 Mountain Dewbacks, good \"squad\". Rating for me: 6
- Dizzy is awesome, but the knockdown(?) attack doesnt work.

2). 2 Delirious Merek Avengers, Rating for me: 9 .
- These love to fight, no matter what the target is :).

3). Gaping Spider, Rating for me: 7
- Pretty good fighter if you can use another pet with him.

4). Gaping Spider Hunter, Rating for Me: 8
- Tough fighter, good poison (though its medium), but he tends to get stuck sometimes, specially on dantooine at the hills. (just happened).

5). Blurrg, Rating for me: (too soon to say).
- I've used him too litlle to draw any conclusion but what i've seen, this beast loves to use his ranged weapon alot.

6). Rancor, Rating for Me: 8.5
- He likes to cleanse the mokks from the face off the planet but, the 2 second atack speed really hurts him. But still, i can count on him when things heat up :)

ps. all of them are tamed from the nature.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:40 pm
by Denizz
This is my stable:

1. Vir Vur Level 10. 2900-2000-1900 ham. Attack damage: 40-45, Special Attack: Dizzy strike . Name: Klungel. I have him in my Datapad
2. Vir Vur Level 3. 69-48-24, Attack damage: 80-85. Special attack: Mild poision. He is with somebody else who liked a pet for fun. Name: Kees.
3. Vir Vur. Level 17. 7493-5000-4790 ham. Attack damage: 110-120. Special attacks: Mild poision and Crippeling stike. He is in my house, waiting for me to be a CH. Name: Flappie.
4. Vir Vur. Level 10. 5000-4300-3600. Attack damage: 70-75. Special attacks: ?? . Name: Dennis. I have him with me.
5. Vir Vur. Level 35-40. 8000-7000-6500 ham. Attack damage: 240-250. Special Attack: Medium poision. Name: Kluns. He is at home on my desk.
6. Ikopi. Level 4. ???-???-??? Ham. Attack damage: ??-??. Name: Melkunie. Standing at home.
7. Dewback. Level 17. 5700-4000-3900 ham. Attack damage: ??. Special attacks: ?? Name: Rocko. He is standing at home, waiting for me to be a CH.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 6:32 am
by VempireX
Well, my current stable is:
grand wrix
greater sludge panther
greater sludge panther
bile drenched quenker
bile drenched quenker
war gronda
piket plains walker
arachne warrior
ravenous torton
delirious merek avenger
arachne webmaster
boar wolf
bloodseeker mite
mantigrue screecher
giant gackle bat
spineflap guard

Still working on figuring out how my final stable will look like, if i can find some of the rare pets.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:23 am
by chibi dw

mine can be viewed here.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 1:33 pm
by Englad
mine is

1) A torton - lvl 20
2) a mountain dewback lvl 20
3) a squill - lvl 18
4) 2 wrixes - lvl 18 and lvl 16
5) a bantha - lvl 14
6) a bull bantha - lvl 16

there c00l im on the look out for new lvl 20 pets or not new but cool ones anyone sell tell me! on here not in game ( server = infinity)