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GPS spot

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 12:12 pm
by black-eye
this goes out especially to Ocean who s lookin for GPS since weeks or month. im real happy coz i tracked a GPS spot today and got a baby spawn after killin 3 spawned adults.

This was just the second time i tracked a GPS although im playin since 5 month, never saw one......

The first spot i tracked an adult was at -550 -84, the spot which spawned a bayb was at 2367 -1885.
Seems every spot spawns 4 GPS then nothin more for one day, then it seems to spawn random other creatures....

Really helpfull to track them was the ranger trackin tree up to 3, i prolly wouldnt have found them without, although i ever use the overhead map....

i hope u all other CH are as lucky as me, i can currently tame level 52 and only needed 1 try to tame it =)

good luck and have a nice CH career

black-eye, trandoshan dragon, FUBAR guild -(: )
currently CH 4442 ( will master it the second time soon, i love my pets! )
Ranger 4x3x
TK 4xx3
Medic 2xxx
Tatoine, Europe-Farstar

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 12:18 pm
by Nytar
Congrats! And good luck to all who are hunting GPS.

As for me, I am still struggling to find Mantigrue Screechers...
I have tamed Gaping Spider Recluse and am very happy!

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:24 pm
by black-eye
I tamed a mantigrue screecher when i mastered the CH the first time..... the best way to find a baby seems to me to get the mantigrue screecher missions and do it like any other hunt mission, go there and destroy all pets and the lair, the mission give around 27k reward if im right..... i did it this way as master CH and master rifleman..... took me around 10 or 15 lairs till a baby spawned so u see they are real rare hehe, but for me it seems to be the most calculable way to find a baby.... good luck

btw, i dont want to destroy ur fun about huntin mantigrue screechers to tame but i find the blurrg is much more usefull in combat and much easier to find on Endor =)

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:45 pm
by Nytar
[quote:778cf1f3f2]btw, i dont want to destroy ur fun about huntin mantigrue screechers to tame but i find the blurrg is much more usefull in combat and much easier to find on Endor =)[/quote:778cf1f3f2]

Well maybe my expectation for mantigrue screecher is a bit too high. The only reason I want it so badly is for its plague strike. We BEs cannot stick it into even our best possible pets. This makes mantigrue screechers, bull rancors and gaping spider recluses very special.

I was planning to use mantigrue screechers or gaping spider recluse only in PvP situation where pets will not lose vitality. Isn't it like having your personal combat medic fighting along side you? I am not really sure if you can use plague strike on your commands (haven't really tested with poison sprey of gaping spider recluse...), but it would be a great weapon if it works.

In PvE, I will continue to use my own BE pets. They rock :)

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 5:13 am
by black-eye
sadly the good pet attacks like poison, disease, knockdown and plague r random.... u can train ur pet the Special attack command for the atack, but it isnt abble to use it on command..... i cannot say how often my screecher used this attack in combat... but its definetly not that often like a giant dune kimo for example uses it.... bad but true =/

but i hope ull find a screecher soon and will have fun with this pet , good luck

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:23 am
by Nytar
Thanks black-eye,

Yeah it seems my gaping spider recluse is doing his poison sprey attack whenever he feels like it and not when I want him to. Oh well, he still seems to poison alot more than pets with just strong poison so its good.

My hunt for mantigrue screecher continues...

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:59 pm
by Elainyn_Kabuki
Hey Black-Eye,

Thanks for the other WPs...I have been searching for a GPS on the Flurry server for a while...about a once a week ritual, but it looks like I need to conentrate on it more.

Maybe I should go ranger myself...

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2004 1:22 am
by Sheeana
Ranger actually doesnt work great for this kind of thing. The problem is ranger only scans what IS there, not what you cant see. So unless whatever it is is close enough to spawn (Which is nearly close enough to actually be selected by hand) area track will not pick it up. The only advantage that Ive found with it is you dont have to search things you just stop track skim the list and move on.

And in my expierence its not finding the spawns thats the problem, its making a baby show up :( 24 spawns and counting.