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how to get apprentice points to become master?

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how to get apprentice points to become master?

Postby sumo10 » Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:12 pm

What is the best way to get apprentice points? I joined groups, formed groups, but I can't find anyone to teach. I have taught some other skills but they don't give me creature handler apprentice points. I have been trying for several months now, but not one apprentice point. Help!
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Postby Nytar » Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:29 pm

If you have lots of left over combat xp and are not a marksman, there is one way that is quick. If you have Ranged Support 1 and cannot drop it, you cannot use this method AFAK.

1. Learn Ranged Support 1 if you have not done so.
2. Find someone who has lots of combat xp but is not a marksman who is also looking to get App pts. (the best place prolly is Coronet)
3. You teach Ranged Support 1 to each other over and over until you have enough App xp. Basically, once learned, you surrender it and relearn it again. Rinse and repeat.

This way, you both get App pts. This can be done with other elite profession, too (like TKA), but I think you lose ALOT more combat xp so you wouldn't want to do it.
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Postby Kriegan'shka » Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:56 pm

You also might try adopting an apprentice as I did. I helped a novice CH financially and took him under my wing and taught him the ropes of becoming a CH. I made a good friend and had someone to play the game with, With the same interests I have. He also recieved all his training free and I recieved the apprentice points I needed. A bit slower than Nytars way, Which by the way works well as one of my best friends dropped pistol and had a ton of ranged support points begging to be used. My alt character needed points as you do and my friend was more than happy to let me teach him until I had the points \"I\" needed.
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Postby Xanth » Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:54 pm

They also lowered the AP points needed from 600 down to 300. I think that was an SOE copout to appease the masses who for the most part don't bother to train anyone else and only worry about AP points when they want to master. In the time it took me to master CH, just from casual training on somebody in the starport who needed what I knew, I was able to get 1200+ xp with no problems.
[color=#808080:2abc8f5b72]X[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#999999:2abc8f5b72]a[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#B2B2B2:2abc8f5b72]n[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#CCCCCC:2abc8f5b72]�t[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#FFFFFF:2abc8f5b72]h[/color:2abc8f5b72] Master Creature Handler - Kauri
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Postby Zurlaboo » Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:55 pm

I think I'm missing something here. You've taught other skills but they don't give creature handler apprentice points? When did AP become skill specific? I got my AP mostly in Mos Eisley (other newbie zones work well too) training people in the scouting and medic skills I had.
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Suggestions and feedback

Postby Iakimo » Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:25 am

No, Apprenticeship points are NOT profession-specific. You can train someone in Medic/Pharmacology 1, for example, and use the AP to master CH, or any other professions. AP's are fully generic.

As for ideas on ways to pick up quick AP's, the suggestion to find a buddy to grind-train one another in low-level skills does work. The ultimate and best answer, of course, is to always be thinking ahead and never pass up an opportunity to train someone from the start of your SWG career. It's a classic in-game model of \"what goes around, comes around.\" And I found it to be very rewarding when it paid off for me.

But back to the here-and-now.

Rather than use Combat xp, you might want to use some other skill. My personal favorite is Medic, because I mentor a lot of new players and do a lot of healing. And if I want to pick up a boatload of Medic xp, I can head for the nearest starport and look for wounded pilots to heal.

But the main reason I suggest not using Combat xp is because it is very valuable at high levels when you're grinding your way up the Force-Sensitive charts en route to becoming a Jedi. The conversion ratio for Combat XP to FS xp is 10 times better than conventional weapons xp. It may not yet be a factor for you, but then again, it may be. Just something to consider....
Iakimo Wioga, Jedi Padawan
Former Master Bounty Hunter/Master Creature Handler


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