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Revise memberlist or create new server list

Suggestions and recommendations on improving (NOT SWG THE GAME!)

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Revise memberlist or create new server list

Postby Xanth » Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:00 pm


This thread is very popular. It would be nice to expand the membership database to include home server and CH level plus add in sort options by those two fields. You can currently put them in Location and Occupation but those are vague and could be interpreted to mean real world location and occupation. I have a simple .mdb already with the list from the above-mentioned topic that I could give you in a .csv if it'll help
[color=#808080:2abc8f5b72]X[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#999999:2abc8f5b72]a[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#B2B2B2:2abc8f5b72]n[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#CCCCCC:2abc8f5b72]�t[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#FFFFFF:2abc8f5b72]h[/color:2abc8f5b72] Master Creature Handler - Kauri
Formerly of Kauri Galactic CH Guild [color=red:2abc8f5b72]<Beast>[/color:2abc8f5b72]
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Postby Juntao » Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:08 am

This is something I have had on my ToDo list for a long time. I just haven't had the time to get it done =/
Juntao Ta'kor
Master Creature Handler
Ahazi Galaxy

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