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Average damage?

Suggestions and recommendations on improving (NOT SWG THE GAME!)
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:30 am

Average damage?

Postby freebium » Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:06 pm

If I understand a creature's info, there is minimum damage, maximum, and base-to-hit. So if a creature can hit for 90-110 but has a base-to-hit of 0.40, wouldn't the average damage be (90+100)/2*.0.40 = 40?

If so, it would be nice to see an average damage item similar to eff vs kinetic etc.

Great site, btw, I come here pretty much every day :)
Freebi Eaway [OTC]
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Postby Juntao » Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:18 pm

I believe that is correct. If you factor in the attack speed as well, you can get average DPS (damage per second). So take that 40 and divide by 2 (all creatures have natural attack speed of 2.0) which would give 20 DPS.
Juntao Ta'kor
Master Creature Handler
Ahazi Galaxy

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