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Resource Quantities

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:00 am
by Hylidex
I love the site as it has turned out so far, and it just keeps improving. I have a few additions to suggest:

1. I would love to see some indication as to how much resource can be harvested from a creature. This would help us balance difficulty to kill with the amount of meat, bone, or hide we can get, to each find our optimum. Of course, these would only be approximations, since it varies from individual to individual, and there would have to be a 'standard' scout level (say, at master scout working in a group), since the scout level and whether one is grouped both have an effect on the number. But even approximations would help a great deal in hunting.

2. It would be nice if ranged attack could be an option for the display. As a BE, I'm much more interested in its ranged attack than whether it drops babies, or even its aggressiveness.

3. I liked the suggestion to list most common loot drops by a creature. Perhaps we could even make it searchable: bile, armor segments, weapons, teeth.

4. I liked the suggestion of making a 'skin type' and 'family' category. Skin standards could be the BE craftable skins. Families would contain general types (quadruped lizards, biped lizards, flightless birds, etc.)

By far, this site and SWG Craft are the most useful SWG sites I have ever seen. Keep up the good work.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:37 am
by Juntao
Thanks for the comments and suggestions!

1. As for the quantity of harvest, I really don't think this would be a feasible thing to track. First off for it to really be consistant, you would need to restrict it to a certain level (say Master Scout) and in doing so, this would greatly reduce the number of people would could even add that sort of data. I will see what I can do though, maybe make it so that people can enter in their current harvesting skill as well as quantity.

2. This is something that has been on my list for a while, and once I finish up the resource info, I can probably get this knocked out!

3. Loot drops is something I would like to add and will put it on the list!

4. Skin type and 'family' categories would be nice! I'll have to kick that around for a while and see what would be a good way to incorporate it into the site!

Resource Quantities

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:18 am
by Hylidex
Thanks for the quick reply :)

Perhaps you could treat it in a manner similar to DNA, in which quantities are averaged for each harvesting level (as it is now for each level of DNA quality), but only the highest shows up in the listing. I really think that in this case any data, even with some built-in variablility, is better than no data at all.

Another wonderful feature would be a choice of maximum listings per screen. Perhaps it could appear in user profiles. People with high-speed modems might like to see displays of more than 50 at a time, and people on dialup might like to limit it even further.

And just so you know--if you never changed another thing, you would STILL have one of the best web sites ever created <hiding my guilding kit as I inch toward the lily>.