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Make the database available to other people

Suggestions and recommendations on improving (NOT SWG THE GAME!)
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 3:15 pm

Make the database available to other people

Postby Dorelli » Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:00 am

This is a wonderful site and great data! Would it be possible to make the data available as cvs dumps like the swgcraft site does?

I would like to be able to just dump all the data into a database on my own machine and write custom queries.

It would also let other people write tools more easily and perhaps those could be incorporated into the swgcreatures site if they are good! SWGcraft asks for a credit and for nobody to charge for the data.

-- Dor
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Postby Juntao » Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:49 am

There is one fundamental difference between SWGCreatures data and SWGCraft data. SWGCraft data has an expiration date whereas this data is pretty static. Creature data doesn't change all that often. Once you pull the data here, you never need to get it again (theoretically).

There are some tools out there that already use SWGCreatures such as:

I'm really not against providing the data to people as it's because of all the users that the data is even here in the first place. This may be something that I'll look at providing.
Juntao Ta'kor
Master Creature Handler
Ahazi Galaxy

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