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Tamable at <= level

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 6:35 pm
by Gath
I think there should be an option so you can mark that a pet is tamable at <= level X. As it is you have to either set unknown mountable level or its *this* level.

Most of the time when your taming a pet you dont know if you could have tamed it last level or not, so having a choice of <= would be great so we can narrow the info down a bit, helps to find the exact level too as people who tame that pet after you have put in partial info would know to keep their eyes open..

Tameable lvl.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 8:55 am
by DracheKonig
Yeah, it's already a challenge to get a baby to come out, let alone know if you can tame it. I haven't even found a way offline to know if I can tame it.
:cry: :evil:
