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Weirdness when viewing entered DNA

If you find any bugs with the website (NOT SWG THE GAME!), be sure to let me know!
Posts: 40
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 3:15 pm

Weirdness when viewing entered DNA

Postby Dorelli » Fri Aug 19, 2005 6:39 am

I just entered some skreeg data for all kinds of skreegs. When I type in skreeg - I can see the warrior and elite DNA data for the warrior and elite skreegs that I entered yesterday. I cannot see the DNA data for the rest of the skreegs which were entered today.

When I click on any of those skreegs and have their own page up, click on view DNA data - the DNA data is definately there in the database but the display page isn't seeing it for some reason?


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