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Vulnd Calculation Bug in DNA Lab

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Vulnd Calculation Bug in DNA Lab

Postby Banedon » Thu Jun 24, 2004 3:34 pm

First off the DNA lab is a great tool. I love using it to predict the final outcome of a creature. I noticed that the resist calculation is counting a vulnd as a 0 instead of the negative modifier of -99. I.e. If you are trying to ascertain the heat resist of this combo:

Slot 1: Seething Bol Crusher (Vulnd to heat)
Slot 2: Mutant Rancor (100% resist heat)
Slot 3: Seething Bol Crusher (Vulnd to heat)
Slot 4: Seething Bol Crusher (Vulnd to heat)
Slot 5: Mutant Rancor (100% resist heat)

The calculation should be (-99 * .4) + (100 * .25) + (-99 * .05) + (-99 * .05) + (100 * .25) = .05. However, the formula is using 0 instead of -99 so the calculation is: (0 * .4) + (100 * .25) + (0 * .05) + (0 * .05) + (100 * .25) = 50.


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Postby Juntao » Thu Jun 24, 2004 7:04 pm

Okay, thanks for the input! I think I have corrected the issue. Please let me know if you find otherwise!
Juntao Ta'kor
Master Creature Handler
Ahazi Galaxy

Postby Banedon » Thu Jun 24, 2004 8:14 pm

Thanks for the quick reply and fix. The calculation for vulnd now works correctly. However, the kinetic formula is incorrect due to an extra semicolon placed in the middle of the calculation. The extra semicolon is after the first kinetic calculation which I bolded below.

tmp = document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[0]].value*0.4 *(document.hidden.kinetic.value%5==0||document.forms.cki[SLOT[0]].checked||document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[0]].value == -99?1:0)[b:0eeac40e8a];[/b:0eeac40e8a]
+ document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[1]].value*0.25*(document.hidden.kinetic.value%5==0||document.forms.cki[SLOT[1]].checked||document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[1]].value==-99?1:0)
+ document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[2]].value*0.05*(document.hidden.kinetic.value%5==0||document.forms.cki[SLOT[2]].checked||document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[2]].value==-99?1:0)
+ document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[3]].value*0.05*(document.hidden.kinetic.value%5==0||document.forms.cki[SLOT[3]].checked||document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[3]].value==-99?1:0)
+ document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[4]].value*0.25*(document.hidden.kinetic.value%5==0||document.forms.cki[SLOT[4]].checked||document.forms.Kinetic[SLOT[4]].value==-99?1:0);


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Postby Juntao » Thu Jun 24, 2004 10:00 pm

Thanks for the finding my bug =)
Juntao Ta'kor

Master Creature Handler

Ahazi Galaxy

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