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The lost profession?

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
nirvanna utero
Posts: 6
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The lost profession?

Postby nirvanna utero » Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:47 pm

Hey i have been a master ch for a few weeks now and have starten to take notice how rare it is to find a fellow ch. Im starting to wonder what makes us so weak in pvp and if anyone has any ideas to change it. Please feel free to add your ideas and comments to help further us as a whole in this great profession
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Postby tido » Mon Aug 16, 2004 6:08 am

Well .. im a master CH too sort of, just need the final training (yay). Back to the thread.. well, our profession is very strong in PvE field but, in PvP our pets are too weak to do anything major damage, against buffed people that is.

Any elite combat profession can do lots of damage just in 2 seconds, when our pet can only attack once, that is what makes them weak in my opinion. But situations change alot in pvp field too, if your pet can poison/poisoin spray that sure can turn the fight around, unless your pets dont get taken out first..

Note that i havent pvp'ed at all, and i dont even belong into any faction at this point. But it will interesting to see if our pets get stronger when the combat rewamp comes, if & when it comes :).
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Postby Tokalar » Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:45 am

Yeah. It might be interesting to order a mind heavy BE pet at cl70 with high damage, then buff it.

But even if our pets become next to invincible, it won't matter so much because they do so little damage it doesnt really matter if they attack an enemy.
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Postby Zurlaboo » Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:40 pm

I got chump jumped in Mos Eisley (don't know how they got me, unTEF'ed and covert *sigh*). My friends told me I have to start practicing PvP if I'm going to survive the all-out war on Tempest server. So we were practicing PvP on each other. I pulled out my 3 BE pets and wrote a quick macro: /tellpet attack;/tellpet special1;/tellpet special2;/macro attack; to spam special attacks from my pets on whatever target I was on. They did okay. They took out a wookie commando pretty quickly (though I don't recall if we were still buffed or not).

PvP pets who have dizzy and/or knockdown and who can land it on their target could change the tide of the battle. They could also buy you a few extra seconds to launch your own attack or run away. Other than that, CH are doomed when it comes to PvP :(

The ideal PvP template is basically master brawler, master TK, and master Fencer for the highest available defense mods. Our pets have little chance of scoring damage against those mods, and that's not even considering the armor and buffs. In a large scale PvP brawl, poison spray and/or plague strike attacks might be useful.
One tame at a time :)
nirvanna utero
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Location: anchorage alaska

Postby nirvanna utero » Mon Aug 16, 2004 3:51 pm

one thing i noticed is that the pets arent always the problem in pvp. its that the person is buffed and such. I had my frenzied graul duel someone in theed the other day and the graul was barely even scratched. So i think if we were to buff our pets maybe we would get better results. but i sure as hell am not going to spend money on my pet for that :shock:
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Postby ColdBrew » Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:19 pm

I don't really see where CH is so good at PvE. Sure the pets can tank but good lord it takes an eternity for them to kill something!
nirvanna utero
Posts: 6
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Location: anchorage alaska

Postby nirvanna utero » Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:08 am

well if your a ch that lets your pet do all the damage your not being very smart about it. what i use my pet for is a tank that will take as much damage as it can while i heal it and attack the mobs at the same time. that way it decreases the chance of me dying.
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Postby Electro » Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:27 am

CH isn't SO bad alone in PvE. I have CH along with DE and Artisan, so I have to let my pets do all the fighting. Sure, it takes a half an hour to do a Sharnaff mission, but its not difficult. Just very time consuming. But still fun, and thats whats important.
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Postby ColdBrew » Tue Aug 17, 2004 9:48 pm

[quote:3beac74378=\"nirvanna utero\"]well if your a ch that lets your pet do all the damage your not being very smart about it. what i use my pet for is a tank that will take as much damage as it can while i heal it and attack the mobs at the same time. that way it decreases the chance of me dying.[/quote:3beac74378]

I help but when the best thing you can do damage with is a CDEF pistol, it doesn't help a whole lot.

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