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Looking to buy the following creatures on the Lowca server..

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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Joined: Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:39 am

Looking to buy the following creatures on the Lowca server..

Postby jedi-muttley » Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:30 pm

I'm looking for the following creatures (just like everyone else is :lol: ):

- Great Plains Stalker
- Rhoa Kwi Pack Leader
- Gaping Spider Recluse
- Bull Rancor
- King Merek Harvestor
- Arachne Widow
- Merek Death's Head

I'm willing to pay credits or [b:b02bc20c79]cold hard cash!![/b:b02bc20c79] (You have to have a PayPal account for the real thing though.) All eligible creatures must have a 100% vitality. My exchange rate is currently 1,000,000 credits = $10.00 US. I'm also interested in a Malignant Squill or a Wild Dune Boar, but I prefer the ones listed above (especially the King Merek Harvestor.) Send me an email online or give me a \"tell\" if I'm available. I'll check my email daily. Online game name is Atacca and I'm desperate. :cry:
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Postby Ocean » Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:53 pm

Mods: You might want to remove or edit this post as we all know actual money is against SOE's TOS.

Beyond that, Death's Heads and Recluses are easy to get. I know you can get a recluse from a mission lair.
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Joined: Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:39 am

Postby jedi-muttley » Mon Aug 23, 2004 8:07 pm

I'm only paying for your time in either fashion, I'm not paying for any actual item property of SOE... Unless you sold your soul to Sony... :twisted: So it's not against their policy... How do you think people get away with selling credits on eBay?
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Postby mini-me » Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:42 pm

Ill keep a look out for those Im on lowca as well no need for cash if I am able to help
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Postby jedi-muttley » Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:56 pm

Thanks I appreciate it. :D Being a father of two and working full-time, I don't get a lot of time to look for them. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
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Postby Gath » Sat Aug 28, 2004 5:03 pm

[quote:44150e6ebb=\"jedi-muttley\"]I'm only paying for your time in either fashion, I'm not paying for any actual item property of SOE... Unless you sold your soul to Sony... :twisted: So it's not against their policy... How do you think people get away with selling credits on eBay?[/quote:44150e6ebb]

Im fairly sure that the EULA states that you can get banned on any GMs whim at any time. So stating that you pay for the work wouldnt help you much really.

The main reason people can do it is because its not worth SOE's time to try to hunt it down, its enough for them to put it into the EULA and only really investigate the blatant cases, like when someone advertises ingame, or gets reported by another player. That and that just because you claim to have a char called X on server Y on a board doesnt mean you truly do. Id seriously doubt you have your account much longer if you posted something like this on SOE's boards.

And thats mostly a warning, I dont really care what others do with their money.

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