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sill baby?

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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sill baby?

Postby jreue » Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:21 am

The babies that i have trained and used in combat are not getting bigger... Typically how long does it take for the creature to age?
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Postby Nytar » Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:38 am

I think its about a week. But I have read people say that if you keep your pet in your datapad and never take out, it does not grow as much and takes longer to fully grown.

I once thought I could get my pets grow faster by petting and hugging :P
I was wrong.
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Postby Xanth » Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:45 am

You should see growth of about 10% per day. A level 30 pet should start out as a 3, then 6, then 9 etc...There are more theories on how to grow a pet than you can shake a stick at. Mine have all grown at a constant rate, whether or not I've used them, hugged them, etc...
[color=#808080:2abc8f5b72]X[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#999999:2abc8f5b72]a[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#B2B2B2:2abc8f5b72]n[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#CCCCCC:2abc8f5b72]�t[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#FFFFFF:2abc8f5b72]h[/color:2abc8f5b72] Master Creature Handler - Kauri
Formerly of Kauri Galactic CH Guild [color=red:2abc8f5b72]<Beast>[/color:2abc8f5b72]
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Postby Zurlaboo » Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:51 pm

If you use them to fight, are you storing them while they're incapped? That might affect their growth, but that's just speculation.
One tame at a time :)
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Postby black-eye » Fri Oct 08, 2004 12:06 pm

i tried to feed a BE blurrg with canape and it ruely growed faster from that day...... on my wild pets this didnt work. every food for u is usefull to feed pets too btw....... the 10% per day is the right calculation for the most pets i think...... level 10 bols grow max 1 level per day..... the level 50 rancor grows 5 level per day..... but i dont remember but it seemed to me as if the insects grow slower...... i had a few high level spiders... not sure, but i think they growed less then 10% per day
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Postby hossp » Tue Oct 12, 2004 10:31 am

a little trick someone told me, and seems to help is to log in at least evey 12 hrs..even if you just log in and out..the pet should \"level\" up faster..not hard to try ...some grow too gps was lvl 5 on the sat. i tamed it...lvl 25 the next day. 35 the next...kinda liked having a \"kitten\" but only for a day
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Postby Kriegan'shka » Fri Oct 15, 2004 3:41 pm

Well my babys seem to grow faster if right after I tame them...I train them commands, fight them til they will eat, make sure they're fully healed and put them away. Then take them out at least once a day and have them fight just enough to get them to eat.

My favorite right now is a baby Thune that I'm gonna really miss when he grows up. Hes only up to my waist, an its awesome to see him charge in on a 40 story Fambaa and see him start chewin on its ankles.... :)
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Postby Koronak » Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:23 pm

I was actually offline for a while (over a week), and if a pet isn't fully grown, it will not grow during this time. Rather annoying, in my opinion, but it makes some sense.
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Postby xSaintx » Mon Oct 25, 2004 11:41 pm

I have to agree with hossp, I've noticed that on the weekends my pets growth rate is double what it is on weekdays. I guess that is because I log on in the morning and play awhile, then take a couple hours off for a break and then come back and log in again.

Also I was working on CH and then decided to quit the game, so I gave my be cu pa and be dewback, both of which were at cl 6 and not fully grown yet, to a friend. I came back in the game two weeks later and retrieved my pets from my friend and both of them were stuck at cl 6. However, size wise they were fully grown and could be trained as mounts, but their level never went any higher. BTW my friend wasn't a CH and when I came back into the game I started a new character and wasn't a CH when I retrieved the pets.
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Postby velm » Sat Nov 27, 2004 7:49 pm

I have seen where people said pets grow faster if you use them in combat. I have to tell you, I see no difference in the main Female Dire Cat that I use and one that I have not taken out of my datapad yet. The growth rate is identical.
I am not sure what the growth rate it, but is is not as bad as I thought. In the three or four days or so that I have had my Female Dire Cats, they went from 1 to 9 so far.
I find it interesting taking one of them out then putting it away and putting in one I just tamed out. Nice little size difference.
MCH/Master Scout/ Rifleman 2/2/1/3/ Ranger 0/0/3/0

(actually, i dropped the ranger and became a master rifleman before the NGE)

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