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CH XP, Im missing the logic...

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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CH XP, Im missing the logic...

Postby endorphin » Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:17 pm

Now Im a bit confused.. I don't understand how the CH XP system is made up..
The main thing that made me confused is the fact that my Desert eopie, which is my best fighter, gets more XP on the hard monsters than any of my other pet, for example:

Desert eopie lvl 16 Gets 420-480 CH XP on Gurks, depending on the type of gurk, If I use my giant carrion spat (lvl 12), I get less (around 350).
So I thought to myself, maybe its the maxlevel / difficulty level of the creature that sets the XP I'm receiving, but my bantha, lvl 12, maxlvl 15 gets less XP than my Desert eopie as well.
Also fighting crappy creatures, like flesh eating chuba, the XP I get makes sense (I get the least with my eopie..)

So what am I missing?

The xp I get from training is also a mystery.. but thats another story
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Postby Merdigan » Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:46 pm

I think that it is something like 200 +20 per cl difference.
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That's a good question!

Postby Iakimo » Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:11 am

Heh... good question.

I've always sort of muddled through, trying not to overmatch my opponents to my pets. It works sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't.

I've had quite a jaw-dropper or two recently. I've started mixing it up with Force wielders like Nightsisters and the Force-wielding NPC's on Dantooine. With those characters, my graul maulers typically pull down a whopping 1,100 in CH xp!

I was like, \"O.O\"
Iakimo Wioga, Jedi Padawan
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Postby Xanth » Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:17 pm

Yeah it doesn't make senses sometimes. In the village during phase 4 there are a large number of Sith that spawn. These guys were giving me only around 100 to 150 swordsman xp per kill, but between 600 and 2k per kill in CH xp.
[color=#808080:2abc8f5b72]X[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#999999:2abc8f5b72]a[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#B2B2B2:2abc8f5b72]n[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#CCCCCC:2abc8f5b72]�t[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#FFFFFF:2abc8f5b72]h[/color:2abc8f5b72] Master Creature Handler - Kauri
Formerly of Kauri Galactic CH Guild [color=red:2abc8f5b72]<Beast>[/color:2abc8f5b72]
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Postby Iakimo » Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:02 pm

[quote:b644c4a42e=\"Xanth\"]Yeah it doesn't make senses sometimes. In the village during phase 4 there are a large number of Sith that spawn. These guys were giving me only around 100 to 150 swordsman xp per kill, but between 600 and 2k per kill in CH xp.[/quote:b644c4a42e]

You were probably hitting them in combination with other players' attacks and divvying up the xp between you. However, creatures gain full CH xp for their hits on a MOB no matter how much damage they do. Even if they hit one time, you still get the full CH xp for their hit.
Iakimo Wioga, Jedi Padawan

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Postby Pyromage88 » Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:19 pm

So to clarify... You want to use your strongest creature against the strongest creature you can find for the most xp, correct?

Also... I found that in combat professons there is a maximum amount of xp you can get per kill depending on how many skills you have for that profession, is the same true for CH? Could I send, lets say, a kreetle against a graul and get major xp (assuming the krettle lives)?
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Postby Cyclone » Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:59 pm

I've actually tried the kreetle thing :shock: Two words: Don't bother. It's slow, it's ugly and it dies often... Very often. I found that going to the squill caves gave me the most xp. I used a mottled wrix and one mountain squill gave me 520 creature handler xp...
\"Si vis pacem, para belum!\"

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Postby Brerbacca » Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:58 am

Yus In theory but Ive found certain pets just get more XP :/

Ill try & test it but its hard to do
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Postby Iakimo » Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:55 am

Yeah, different pets give different amounts of xp. It does seem to be a function of the pet's difficulty level vs. the difficulty level of the MOb we send them up against. In general, the lower the level of your pet, the better the xp -- unless, of course, the pet winds up being incapacitated during the fight, in which case you get zero.

Best CH xp I've hit on so far is when I send a graul mauler in to tank against the various Force-wielder NPCs on Dantooine. I just about dropped my jaw when I saw that I gleaned a whopping [i:63694c6e26]1000[/i:63694c6e26] CH xp from one of them!
Iakimo Wioga, Jedi Padawan

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Postby xiriss » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:16 pm

I have been getting 1200+ xp going against bull rancors, using my vine rawl, the vine rawl is level 19, with decent ham, I am TKM so I tend to do the tanking for the pet, been leveling up rather quickly since I started doing this, was hoss that clued me into the fine art of beating up rancors. been lots of fun as well.

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