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Peko Peko Mounts!

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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Joined: Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:11 pm


Postby Rose'Lin » Sat Jul 24, 2004 1:25 pm

I have a peko peko pet, that's hard to tame it...
mine is peko 14 lvl only..
I did mounted it but a any birds can't an mount, that's sux
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Postby bismarck2 » Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:50 am

isnt there a way to send ur segestions to the peaple incharge of swg?
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Postby xiriss » Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:51 pm

if we get enough responce we can maybe get the devs to possibly think about it,

lets see here, bounty hunters get jet packs, so do rangers....

what other proffs get special things of that like, they made mounts for non ch, so the only thing we get that is different is more pets than anyone else can hold, and of course the ability to controll a bull rancore, hehe
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Postby bismarck2 » Sun Jan 30, 2005 4:19 pm

fliers are as fast as swoops, so imagine being able to mount one it would be a great special thing for CH's to have
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Vertexon's asking for input on mounts in SWG Forums

Postby Iakimo » Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:00 pm

Well, the Creature Handler Correspondent in the SWG Forum has a thread going to gather ideas for how to make mounts more functional. The main thread is in \"In Concept.\" Sign in and add your blog, bloggies!

Iakimo Wioga, Jedi Padawan
Former Master Bounty Hunter/Master Creature Handler

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Postby velm » Sun Feb 06, 2005 3:03 pm

I think it would be interesting, either Peko-Peko's or Reptilian Fliers as mounts. It would be just so nice to have. The land mounts look nice, but that is about it.
Having an air mount would be a real nice perk. Think about what we have as a Profession for a moment. The ability to train CERTAIN creatures. Now, I do not have an issue with rares, it makes it a challenge, but how effective are they? I understand they are nearly useless in PVP, useless in hunting Jedi (I do not do either). In PVE, yes, they are nice, but you cannot bring them out DURING battle. How available are pet stims? seriously? I have a few vendors wp. I currrently have a great contact that provides them free of charge as long as I provide the fish. But the components are silly hard to get. I can run through petstims like crazy when hunting Bulls. Being a Master Pistoleer, I really do not like that disease. Yes, TK can meditate it away, but should I have to go TK for that?
Don't get me wrong, I like the game and I love the profession, but we are a support class that has serious issues. Giving us a mount that could fly, maybe a CH only mount would really make it worth the time to make Master. Not only make it a CH only mount, but maybe make it so you only achieve it on one of the lvl 4 tiers or master slot.

(I probably would post this on the official forums, but I cannot. I have contacted customer support three times.)
MCH/Master Scout/ Rifleman 2/2/1/3/ Ranger 0/0/3/0

(actually, i dropped the ranger and became a master rifleman before the NGE)
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Postby bismarck2 » Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:28 am

if flying was that hard and dangerous sounding then it should be only master ch's who can do it. but if its like riding ground creatures just faster then any ch should be able to do it they would just be alot faster. if that was true think of this, when your riding ground creatures u can shoot if ur flying a creature and its the same then u should be able to shoot to, so it would be so easy to kill melee peaple, fliars are as fast as swoops so they could never get close to u and when they do just fly and put some distance between u and them it would be perhaps one of the best perks in ch.

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