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Question about credit value of extinct pets

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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Location: Tempest Naboo Edoras

Postby Nytar » Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:09 pm

All specials are defined in a sticky in \"Creature Handler General Discussion\" forum.

\"Open Wound\" = area bleed.
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Re: Question about credit value of extinct pets

Postby hossp » Sun Apr 03, 2005 11:19 pm

[quote:15f3f54576=\"Wookinater\"]I was just wondering how much the Merek King and Frenzied Graul are now worth, being as they are extinct. The reason I ask this is that a girl on my server has an alt character that has these two pets.[/quote:15f3f54576]

it really depends..on my server for example , i really don't think there are any extincts, as shadowfire wasn't one of the original servers, i would easily pay 10 mil for one of those 2, just because i want one, regardless of it's effectivness, i might even pay more, just because there are none..but on a server where a lot of people have then stashed away, and a lot of new ch's who would rather have be pets, then you might not get nearly as much
Posts: 137
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:52 am

Postby ranja123 » Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:30 pm

I have re-opened my datapad and got rid of some un-used BE pets.
I for one would not pay the amount that Hossp would, I think too that Hossp has too many rares in his datapad too... *looks in envy...*

Thanks for the help with the swamp stalker the other day :P

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