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Getting pets to grow....

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession

Getting pets to grow....

Postby Kialung » Wed Mar 24, 2004 3:08 pm

I saw in a post that a CH siad if you have the pet out more while it is growing that it will get bigger?

Does this mean if you let a pet grow to adult in your data pad that it will be small?

Is this a fact or just some speculation?

Posts: 26
Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2004 12:58 pm

Postby Ocean » Thu Mar 25, 2004 1:05 am

Pets are whatever size the game defines them as. All GSPs are the same size, all prowling gurrecks are the same size, etc. There is speculation that it will grow faster if you have it out, but I think it's speculation. I just log on once a day and my prowling gurreck shot up to 45 in just a few days.
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Joined: Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:49 am

Postby Husarz » Thu Mar 25, 2004 5:34 am

If you hawe you pet out , use it, and give him food (its VERY important thing) its growing faster, much faster. For exempel my gaping spider hunter grow to adult in 2 days. If you dont use and feed pet its can take a week or so. If pet growing bigger when you use it... yeah... you can read this in SWG official guide, its somthing like \"if you use your pet feeding it etc, etc it can growe stronger and bigger then regular one\". I think its just BULL SHIT. It newer happend to mine pets, just newer. And i use my baby pets always non-stop.

(sorry for my english in from sweden, hope you can understand what i write here :))
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Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:39 am

Postby Koireu » Wed Mar 31, 2004 12:04 pm

I'm not sure about captured pets, because I'm also a BE and use the pets I make, BUT, When I tame my BE pets I get current stats AND full grown stats. To me that means it doesn't matter how they grow up (in pad or in play) as far as stats, just the speed in which they DO grow.

One thing I read either here or on another site: If you call your pet and then store it on a daily basis, it will grow quicker than just leaving it in in the pad. I started to do this with my trash pets and it seems to help some (I guess I should have kept 1 pet as the control subject - oh well)

Postby » Thu Apr 01, 2004 5:11 am

This is kinda strange.

I recently captured 3 grauls and was using one of them from the very begining, feeding him, using him in combat etc.
At the time he was fully grown to 35 (a few days), the other two (who have never even left the datapad) was fully grown as well.

Doesn't make much sense.

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Joined: Mon May 24, 2004 7:57 pm

Postby cressa » Tue May 25, 2004 12:44 am

[color=blue:811060719d]Well, what I do is play with it like go to geo caves and stay in the front just telling the pet to attack the crazed geonosians.By about 2 days since I had the kimogila it was full size. :) [/color:811060719d]
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