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Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:32 am
by Uraun
Yeah :) I believe it automatically has a 0.25 second pause between commands, though. Downside to that macro is that it will make your pets do tricks (and reduce your HAM) until you get down to the Clear Patrol Points command. So don't do it in the wild. :)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:21 pm
by Lantyssa
Bind it to a button and take out the recursion (which will be removed soon anyways).

Try to train the pet then hit the button. It is a little more work, but nothing too hard, and you'll be ready when that macro change hits..

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:12 pm
by Gath
Just be sure to not train store first, or any other command you dont want them to do 10 times before you get to selecting the next command to train.

[quote:505744667e=\"Lantyssa\"]Bind it to a button and take out the recursion (which will be removed soon anyways).[/quote:505744667e]

Where did you hear that recursion will be removed?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:11 pm
by Juicer
Actually the recursion is being removed to stop AFK macroing.

Also, Uraun, I tried your macro, AND IT DIDN'T WORK!

:twisted: after i taught it the first command, it stored....cuz the first command is store so after you teach it that, it /tellpet blah and the store command is trained to it didnt work :)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:33 pm
by Lantyssa
Thunderheart announced it last week. Use the dev tracker on the main site to find the posts related to it.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:16 am
by Gath
[quote:f40420defa=\"Juicer\"] :twisted: after i taught it the first command, it stored....cuz the first command is store so after you teach it that, it /tellpet blah and the store command is trained to it didnt work :)[/quote:f40420defa]

*points to post above Juicers* :)
If you want to use a macro like that you have to start with something harmless, like follow. By the time you taught the second command the commands dont work anymore cause you have duplicates.

[quote:f40420defa=\"Lantyssa \"]Thunderheart announced it last week. Use the dev tracker on the main site to find the posts related to it.[/quote:f40420defa]

Ah okey, thanks. Good to not have people doing AFK grinding I guess. But as everyone thats maxed out on the classes where you can do this already did it it only effects the new players and those who swap classes around. SOE always tend to wait forever before they decide something isnt right and fix it, resulting in lots of problems usually..

Guess I can say byebye to my lazy-maskscent macro then.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:52 am
by Uraun
[quote:91d9714d64=\"Juicer\"]Actually the recursion is being removed to stop AFK macroing.

Also, Uraun, I tried your macro, AND IT DIDN'T WORK!

:twisted: after i taught it the first command, it stored....cuz the first command is store so after you teach it that, it /tellpet blah and the store command is trained to it didnt work :)[/quote:91d9714d64]
I haven't used the macro in a long time, so I forgot to say that you need to train the store command first and then start the macro for the rest of the commands. Not that hard to figure out, c'mon. ;)