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Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:55 pm
by Aryeth
For hunting rancors, use 2 brandy and 3 ahisra. This gets your Focus over 1400 and allows to span specials at no mind cost.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:20 am
by Uraun
3 ahrisa? Doesn't leave much room for Veghash :O

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 8:49 am
by roarron
as MCH e Master Pike (multitank) i can suggest you the following

I find very useful the intimidate special of the pets, save my time to do the damage i need.
If you stay 4 meters from the target with the pet in battle the mob will attack the pet, if you can't hea the pet, go to 2 meters and the mob will change target.
If you use both med stim and pet stim, you can heal large quantity of Ham in very small time. I'm medic 2-1-3-0

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 9:52 am
by Nytar
Roarron: Thanks! That's a good info.

I did not know about 4m/2m rule. I am currently BE/CH/TKA on Tempest and I seemed to get hit too often and yet I am a very weak TKA and it just hurts too much. I will be more careful with the distance from now on.

Yes I have noticed how important Intimidate is. It helps keep my pets fight alot longer. I see many melee only tank players getting Master Brawler mainly for intimidate2 (and maybe for lunge2?). We CHs can get \"almost\" permanent intimidate without suffering any HAM pool.

I do heal my pets with both pet stims and regular stims, but I make all of my stims and I am really bad at it (I hate resource hunting...).

I did try master pikeman when I went to DWB on TC2 for fun. I did well in there with a vibro lance (electricity damage). But I did not test it outside of DWB. How is the damage output of pikeman? Does it bring down mobs fast?

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 10:48 am
by roarron
can't really say about differences between various melee because i tried only the pike. Anyway it's good the possibility to change type of damage when i need (VL - electricity, LVA - kinetic)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 5:23 pm
by hudsonbend
I know this is a really nooby question, but I tried out test center and I could not figure out how to get to master anything in 5 min. it seemed the same speed. Could someone help me out?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 6:37 pm
by Nytar
I dunno about the test center 1, but on test center 2, you have a weird terminal in front of every starport. This thing lets you become a master of anything as long as you have enough skill points left. It also gives you good equipments to hunt with. It even gives you a nice buff!


Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 12:14 am
by Isobi
Let me know what u think.........M CH/M Pikeman/As far as i can in either Swordsman or Smuggler...........OR Rifleman.........please let me know what u think