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What type of damage does ranged attack deal?

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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What type of damage does ranged attack deal?

Postby Electro » Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:50 am

Has anyone figured out exactly what type of damage a creature's ranged attack does? It can't be kinetic, because if I'm wearing ubese and I go up against something with ranged, its dealing much more damage than it would if the creature was hitting me melee. I would assume acid, but does anyone know for sure?
Field Biologist
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Postby Lantyssa » Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:16 pm

Thunderheart recently said that wild pets have a variety based upon the type of creature.

Acid and blast seem to be the predominate types, but extensive testing has yet to be done to my knowledge.
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Postby Electro » Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:30 pm

I see. Thats neat.... I noticed that different creatures have different colors of ranged \"spit bubbles\" as I call them. Perhaps that has some correlation with what type of damage it does? Green would be acid, maybe white would be blast... I have one creature that has red, maybe that's heat?
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Postby Lantyssa » Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:27 am

At a guess I would agree, but would love to see some real tests done.
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Postby Electro » Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:54 am

I'm going to try and test this out on some 100% resistant creatures. The 100% acid and heat resist is easy, just go to lok and find a sulphur pool mynock. But I don't know how I'm going to manage to find one of the 3 100% blast resistants.... 2 droids and a boss mob, bah.

BTW Lantyssa, nice set of extinct pets you have. Here I thought I was the only one in the world with a Dalyrake Matriarch :)
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Postby tido » Wed Aug 04, 2004 4:36 am

I dont know but if im wearing Advanced Ubese and Imperial PSG prototype, most of the times those ranged weapons totally ignore my armor.. the go right trough :P
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Postby dragon90 » Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:13 pm

red would be poison spray,its a special move for thigns such as the gaping spider recluse,i know i have one,its special attack one is poison spray and when i command it to do so it sprays a red \"spit bubble\",in addition to poisoning (most of the time) its target,it also does about half its capable damage ,green is the normal for regular ranged attacks,and ive never seen a white
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Postby Electro » Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:23 pm

No, different creatures definately have different colors of ranged attack. Most bugs/snakes have a green attack. My Greater Gulginaw, Bocatt, and perhaps my Mountain Worrt have a white attack. My Dalyrake Matriarch has red. Still haven't gotten to the testing, hoping to do it tommorow.
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Postby Electro » Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:31 am

I tested it out yesterday, and I was not happy with exactly what I saw. Found myself a Sulphur Pool Mynock, 100% resist to heat and acid.

Brought out my Dalyrake Matriarch (red projectile). Ordered him to attack, he was still doing damage, though at only about 30% power. Combat spam was saying 170+ but the creature was taking 50-70 damage. Brought out my Shear Mite (green projectile). Pretty much the same thing. Combat spam said 200+ but it was only taking 70-90 damage per hit. Since none of the creatures other resists are remotely high, I guess it could be deduced that they are heat and acid damage, but that they have some kind of modifier on them so that they will never do no damage. The only other high resist the mynock has is energy, but that would only be 50%, not 60-70% as it was appearing to be.

So, a test that should have been conclusive, and no solid resault. Bah.
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Postby mini-me » Thu Aug 12, 2004 2:59 pm

I originally assumed the same (green = acid red = heat etc...) But I think it just might be bugged
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