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Whats the current best 3 pet combo for Master CH?

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 10:36 am
by Vroflus
I'm used to using one high level pet, but whats the best 3 pet combo? I've been doing Nyms missions out on Lok and each camp spawns 3-5 NPC's and since I dont use buffs I need more pets to take the attention off me :)

So what is a good 3 pet combo? How about 2 pet combos?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:17 am
by Ocean
I've heard good things about two giant anglers. Each one is 35 so that'd get you to 70. I've got some biopets I use in triplets but as far as anything wild... If you want to go three, I'd look for the lowest level pet with light armor first as your main tank, then maybe look for a couple lower ones with high damage for their levels.

It's something I'm experimenting with, but my datapad is so full. :( I've had to delete my bull bantha and a giant crystal snake to make room for my webmaster and giant angler... :(

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 2:19 pm
by mini-me
imo get 3 biopets with high ham / high kenetic or energy def, then they take the attention and you do the damage.

I use 3 bantha's each level 10 w/ 59% kenetic then just stand back and shoot

As for non BE pets, I have no clue all the wild pets I keep on my data pad are for one at a time use

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:50 pm
by Aryeth
Not all of us have a combat profession with CH.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:45 pm
by djacktono
Just recently have made Master CH , and have been wondering the same thing ...

And I don't have a Combat Professions , well not enough to say it is ... I have novice Pistoleer.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 6:02 pm
by Zurlaboo
When making combos, the thing I watch the most is which specials I can get out of my combos. Intimidate is a must. It reduces the damage you receive by 40% which is quite substantial. Dizzy and knockdown are good too, though somewhat less reliable. If you have a pet who dizzies and you can KD, that works out great too. Stun and blind also help you last longer in battle.

Poisons and diseases seem to be less effective since most battles are over quickly, but if you are letting the pets do all the damage, then they would help out tremendously.

Of course, high HAM and kinetic resists are important too.