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Publish 10 PvP Vitality Loss?!? Getting seriously peeved...

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:11 pm

Publish 10 PvP Vitality Loss?!? Getting seriously peeved...

Postby Cyphaze » Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:38 pm

Publish 9 was supposed to get rid of PvP vitality loss. No go. Publish 10 was suppose to fix it. It did, partially, at least. Unfortunately, I found myself in the \"unfixed\" part of publish 10, and ended up losing some vitality points I was not intended to lose.

Earlier today, I decided to go overt and hang around my force-sensitive pistoleer friend. We went to overt \"hotspots\" to look for overt members of the opposite faction. Naturally, I had my rancor out at all times. Well, all of a sudden an overt enemy Jedi Knight popped out of the shuttle and we were all killed pretty quickly.

Well, after the fight, my rancor had lost 2 vitality points. I am 100% certain that the points were lost during this particular faction fight, because it has never gotten incapped during a PvE situation - not once.

So I had a friend test this out with me. I caught a dwarf nuna for the occasion and had my friend accept my duel challenge. I had him do various things to my nuna - incap it and try to deathblow it (message comes up telling you that you can't deathblow it), incap it three times (no vitality loss), incap me and THEN incap it repeatedly/deathblow it (no vitality loss) and I stored it while it was incapped (no vitality loss).

So it seems that dueling is fairly safe for your pets' vitality - but [b:171c680412]be very, very careful when going overt with your pets.[/b:171c680412]

If anyone has a friend of the opposite faction willing to go overt and test this out on one of your garbage pets, you're welcome to confirm it.

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