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Template. . .

Frequent novic CH discussions
Ocelot Kane
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:22 pm

Template. . .

Postby Ocelot Kane » Sat Sep 18, 2004 2:13 pm

OK here is what I'm looking at:


Master Pikeman
Master Creature Handler
Novice Medic(mostly to heal my pets)
Scout 4/0/4/0
TKA 4/0/0/0 (gotta love the meditation healing of disease, wounds, bleeding, etc.)

Feedback, please. :D
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Postby Yvesof » Mon Sep 20, 2004 12:40 pm

Sounds like a good combo. You'll have to see how things change with the eventual combat revamp that's coming. I hear they're going to put more emphasis on ranged fighting instead of hand-to-hand. And you don't need novice medic to heal your pets if you use Pet Stims (usable by all) but you'd probably want it to heal yourself at least.
Yvesof Tabec
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Postby DarthMarksman » Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:53 pm

Yeah, the ranged fixes hopefully will be good. Master Rifleman need to be snipers. 64m maximum is laughable for a profession with a SNIPER tree.

Ocelot, that template pretty much will let you handle anything. One thing to help you since you are a melee class is to get some ranged pets(when you get high enough) with poison.
\"Until the lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter.\"

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Mine when i'm done

Postby ZANDRAMADAS » Fri Sep 24, 2004 7:15 am

well heres mine , cuss and discuss the perks and draw backs for me, only been playing for a few weeks so any help on this would be nice.

Master Scout
Master CH
novice medic

I know it's not the toughest, i don't PvP at all...but will i be able to survive and be a vialbe soloist (with my pets aid) for most of the creatures? Please be truthful, this is a Template discussion not a feel good session, if it has a weakness point it out for me...
Master Scout/Creature Handler/Rifleman/Ranger
Corbantis server
Rare Tames =Jundland Eopie
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Postby DarthMarksman » Fri Sep 24, 2004 9:50 am

Rifleman is really not a dabbling profession. You won't reap the rewards until you master it. That being said, I would suggest filling out the Rifleman tree to 4/4/0/4 at the minimum if you cannot master it. The last line will give you speed, which is waht you want when using rifles.
\"Until the lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter.\"

-African Hunting Proverb
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Postby ZANDRAMADAS » Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:29 pm

ok version II. yeah i know i'm only dabbling in Rifleman, but i want to get the most i can, with Ranger tracking i said i know i won't be the toughest, but hopefully , well rounded.

Master CH
Master Scout
Novice Medic

Would that be better than the 1st run?

Master Scout/Creature Handler/Rifleman/Ranger

Corbantis server

Rare Tames =Jundland Eopie
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Location: Alabama

Postby ZANDRAMADAS » Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:35 pm


Master CH
Master Scout

but this leaves me EXTREMELY subsceptable to damage, and a lack of healing...since my character will solo alot, is that wise?

Master Scout/Creature Handler/Rifleman/Ranger

Corbantis server

Rare Tames =Jundland Eopie
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Postby ZANDRAMADAS » Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:45 pm

ok just knowing me, knowing i have to maximize my time in the field, (normally i can't be on for long hours in the day), i will to keep Novic just in case.
Guess it will be like this. unless i hear why i should move certain trees.

Master Creature Handler
Master Scout
Novice Medic

Master Scout/Creature Handler/Rifleman/Ranger

Corbantis server

Rare Tames =Jundland Eopie
Posts: 37
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 12:04 pm

Postby DarthMarksman » Fri Sep 24, 2004 2:50 pm

That template looks effective.


for your pets

Master Scout

for your tracking and wilderness survival

Novice Medic

for healing


for the pet tracking


4/0/0/0 (required for Rifleman anyway)

Rifleman 4/4/0/4

= You have your Accuracy from the SNIPER LINE, Concealment line with Conceal shot, you have your speed maxed. You are missing out on Flushing Shot 2 and Strafe Shot not getting master, but that's fine. With your pets, you will have good tanks, so even aggros should not get near you.

This template could work. :D
\"Until the lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter.\"

-African Hunting Proverb
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Postby Xanth » Fri Sep 24, 2004 3:27 pm

I agree, this looks like an interesting template. I just mastered CH and am now ready to devote some time to the lessor profesions. :lol: Just kidding of course....I'm torn though, between going pistols or keeping up with carbine.
[color=#808080:2abc8f5b72]X[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#999999:2abc8f5b72]a[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#B2B2B2:2abc8f5b72]n[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#CCCCCC:2abc8f5b72]�t[/color:2abc8f5b72][color=#FFFFFF:2abc8f5b72]h[/color:2abc8f5b72] Master Creature Handler - Kauri
Formerly of Kauri Galactic CH Guild [color=red:2abc8f5b72]<Beast>[/color:2abc8f5b72]

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