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Dalyrake Matriarchs no longer have babies?

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Dalyrake Matriarchs no longer have babies?

Postby Locrum » Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:48 pm

I was just looking over the creature list and was thinking to myself, they don't have the martriarch listed in the tamable section. Then I decided to look in the all creatures section and it shows as not having babies? I still have one in my data pad, so did they change this? What other creatures no longer are available? Must make good collectors items.
Field Biologist
Field Biologist
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Location: Alya'Starn, Corellia (Starsider)

Postby Lantyssa » Fri Feb 20, 2004 2:34 pm

I still have my two and I will never delete them.

Since the pet extinction they have not been around. It is possible they spawn babies again but I have not actively hunted them to find out.

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