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WTB non ch bantha & ? about avian meat

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WTB non ch bantha & ? about avian meat

Postby Ahtum » Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:16 am

hello everyone,

First let me say i think this is a very nice website and forum, i think activity on forums is very important to a games quality and will help it grow and add to the enjoyment u can get form the game itself.

1) Im on the gorath server. i think i saw a price of 5k for a bantha. if this is correct let me know or just send an email or a tell to Ahtum. i can pay cash or trade a set of buffs 2400+ or if my price is way off the mark let me know.

2) could someone help me out and tell me what gives Avian meat on naboo? ive looked around and not had much success.

I look forward to hearing from someone.
I will post here after someone sells me a pet
Thanks everyone
/tell Ahtum
Posts: 54
Joined: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:04 pm

Postby Warrote » Thu Apr 22, 2004 3:16 pm

Welcome to the site.

Using the advance search option on the main page, you can search for a certain meat type for a specific planet. Animals on Naboo that harvest avian are Peko Peko, flewt, and kaadu. I have heard you can get giant peko peko missions, and thats your best bet if you're collecting avian.

Warrote of Bloodfin
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Joined: Sun May 02, 2004 5:11 pm

Postby Astiga » Mon May 10, 2004 7:20 am

I'm on Farstar, and a BE friend was selling non ch banthas at 1k per lvl, so 5k seems about right.
As for giant peko peko's, i found a spawn of 2 of them near kaadara (i think). Good quality meat on em, and they were pretty easy to solo using 0031 pistoleer skills (no buffs). Healthshot the critters :)

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Postby Soneji » Wed May 26, 2004 12:03 pm

First off, hey! :) Just found this forum today, and it's been a great help already.

Second, for avian meat, there are also the low-level nunas, usually a pack or two outside of Talus' gates. This is good for the trainers who are just starting, and only have baby pets but still want handling XP.
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