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Rancor hate

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:22 am
by Tokalar
I wasn't sure where to put this, but since it disrupts me most while trying to advance in CH, I figured I'd put it here.

Long story short, some animals hate me.
For example, when I go rancor hunting with a group, I can be 60m away from the rancors, maskscented, and unarmed. There will be armed, buffed, non maskscented people right next to the rancors. Yet the rancors will often bolt and charge for me. Any ideas?

This has also happened with Jinda cave and huurtons, Mokks and Jantas.

Maybe they try to attack the owner of the dangerous looking pets or something?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:50 am
by Gath
Mobs tend to go for the lowest targets. Not wielding a weapon just make you lower level and all the jummier to eat first. Its the same thing when you have a L40 pet and a L1 pet up at once (the L1 pet for xp of course) and the L1 pet can steal aggro from the much more dangerous L40.

If you keep getting aggro you can make sure that your pet is in between you and the mob when you send it in, that way if it runs for you your mob will hit it a bit before it reaches you, which normally would stop the mob.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 1:51 pm
by Zurlaboo
Something else that I've noticed is that higher level creatures seem to have much smarter AI. The phenomenon that you've pointed out doesn't happen too much when you're fighting kreetles.

Also, some creatures have much larger aggro radii. 60m is nothing to a rancor. I'd stay at least 100m out until your mates have made good solid contact with the beast. Then I'd send in my pet. Then I'd walk behind the creature and try to stay at 4m to start attacking. I'd probably die, but at least I looked smart doing it :)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 9:19 pm
by Juicer
I got an idea!


:) to defend urself. unless u stink at combat :( then ur screwed, sorry. unless u got a strong pet to protect u :)

there is still much hope

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:07 am
by Tokalar
On top of a growing CH I'm master bio engineer, so the defending my self part is a bit tough.

I didn't know about lowest level group member though, I'll be sure to keep weapon equiped in the future, at least.

Thanks for help everybody.