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Worth it

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Worth it

Postby mwirtz89 » Tue May 04, 2004 8:07 pm

Is creature handler really worth going to master. Because ive been trying it out and im 1/1/1/1 and its really cool yet seems to be no real big purpose. All you masters tell me please haha. Thanks
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Postby Koireu » Wed May 05, 2004 9:47 am

I am a LONG way from Master, and I LOVE it. I am a Rifleman also and do a lot of soloing. I do a few sniping shots, bleed it, and wait for it to charge. Then I send my pet in to take all the damage while I sit back and take pot shots at it. All this with a 23 lvl pet. I can't WAIT until I can heve THREE of them running down :)
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Postby ikoob » Thu May 06, 2004 4:39 pm

Im no longer a master tamer, unfortunatly, but i loved being one. You will be a valuable player in group play because your pets can tank and assist everyone get exp (including your ch exp). It was also pritty cool showing off all my cool pets around town and seeing the \"noobies\" amazment for the huge pets :lol: . Its a huge assist in getting combat skills even if your not master, becuase you can go solo much easyer without buffs. Its a money saving skill (for all you cheep non-doctor buff soloists) also. Plus you will be a very valuable member in raids due to the fact you can hold multiple amounts of faction pets out at once. I personally belive that its good to at least try it, even if you dont like it atleast you gave it a chance.
i know i rable on alot but thats me :wink: hope i helped you
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Postby brandyaddict » Fri May 07, 2004 8:08 am

yea ch is really fun for pve, but thats starting to get boring for me, so im dropping ch since i will be pvping a lot more.
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Postby FarStryder » Sat May 08, 2004 11:13 am

[b:46c5326b8c]Master Creature Handler[/b:46c5326b8c]

[b:46c5326b8c]Positive Part:[/b:46c5326b8c]

You can group with 70 levels of pet to get much higher missions/mission pay from terminals.

Bio Engineers craft some awesome creatures now. You can have custom made pets to tank for you. Are you killing NPCs (Nyms, Rebels, Imperials, etc). Pull out the light armor, high energy resist pets. Are you going to the Geo cave? Pull out the pets with high kinetic and stun resists. Do you want to slow down your enemies? Pull out the pets with stun, knockdown, posture change specials. Get two strong poison special attack pets and use them as a team, etc.

The pets make Great Tanks if you are a ranged profession. They take the damage instead of you. They save you many medical stims and they keep your armor from getting worn down, since you are not getting damaged.

You can tame and collect the really rare babies in the game. Make a quest of collecting them. This is something ONLY CHs can do. Also you are the only profession that can train BE pets and train pets as mounts.

[b:46c5326b8c]Negative Part:[/b:46c5326b8c]

MCH requires 106 of your character points. So you can be a Master of ONE combat profession and a MCH. You wont be very good in PvP usually but you will be good at PvE.

Pets don't work very well in PvP at all.

Non-Bio engineered pets dont sell well any more. No one wants to buy wild pets you went out and tamed since BE pets are so much better. Your income source as a MCH will almost have to come from destroy missions.

My own personal opinion is that MCH rocks! I love my Master Rifleman/MCH Wookiee. He has been a MRifleman/MCH for 6 months now and I dont think I will ever change. Grouping with the pets for high paying missions and having them tank for me while I safely shoot the enemies is great.
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Postby ForceAssassin » Sun May 16, 2004 7:52 pm

Creature Handler is a great supplementary class, I think a real challenge would be going BE/CH/Ranger 0030 and focusing entirely on using your own breeded pets. You'd have much more time to focus on healing and barking commands, so using multiple pets would probably be the best idea. All of your toolbar slots could have different attack style macros... and as a ranger 0030 you'd get lots of info inspecting a MOB, so you'd have time to prepare, pull out the proper pets that will resist the damage types about to be received, etc. Throw in a harvester droid and the fact that you'd be able to track any creature in the game and you'd have a very interesting build, you might even be able to sell dna samples off of really rare creatures that you track yourself, like the peko peko albatross, etc.

~Nunc lento sonitu, dicunt, morieris.~

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