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Group Content Additions

Suggestions and recommendations on improving (NOT SWG THE GAME!)
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Group Content Additions

Postby Tathos » Fri May 21, 2004 12:08 pm

As I was entering a minor load of data from my sampling excursion, I realized how much of a pain this will be across time. I can only speculate that adding other content would be the same, so perhaps this addition to the Add DNA Sample would be of benefit elsewheres. Here is the gist of the suggestion:

As a MBE, I usually hunt for samples from a particular creature in fairly large quantities. So I should be able to select the number of samples of a particular creature I want to add at one time. The website would then spawn a number of sets of webform items equal to the number of samples I want to add.

My specific example would be with my recent Merek Death's Head excursion. I think I came back with like 20 or so samples. I would like to upload all that data, while minimizing my clicking. I should click Add DNA Sample, then select from a dropdown list (*), the specific creature I want added. Also on this page should be a input box that allows me to specify the number of samples I wish to add. When I submit this preparatory form, the page returned should have X sets of input boxes, where X is the number of samples I specified to add on the previous page.

This way I could just tab on through the entire process, and enter in data really quickly (although some sort of packet snooping and exporting data from inventory to an uploadable file would be the most preferential way to do it).

(*) The selection of creature could also be made a bit more navigable if there were some sort of multi-stage hierarchical selection... e.g. I select M, it generates a a dropdown containing only creatures whose name starts with M. Then, I should be able to hit E and get to the first instance in the list that starts with \"Me\".

Just my thoughts on making adding DNA content flow better.
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Postby Yvesof » Fri May 21, 2004 3:07 pm

Not a bad idea if you ask me.
Yvesof Tabec
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Postby Juntao » Wed May 26, 2004 12:45 pm

This would be a nice addition. I'll see what I can do.
Juntao Ta'kor
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Postby Juntao » Wed May 26, 2004 5:12 pm

I have made a small change that should help you out a bit.

Now when you enter DNA data, instead of taking you to the DNA view, it will take you back to the Add DNA page, with the current creature and the previous quality of sample pre-selected for you.

Hopefully this will ease DNA entry!
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Postby Lantyssa » Wed May 26, 2004 8:31 pm

I was adding DNA today for the first time in ages and [i:3faf1962b7]something[/i:3faf1962b7] seemed different, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Now I know. ^^

Would it be possible to have a link on this page to the entered DNA and the original creature? I like looking over the results after I have entered my fill.
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Postby Juntao » Wed May 26, 2004 8:44 pm

Good call, will do!
Juntao Ta'kor

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Postby Tathos » Wed May 26, 2004 9:26 pm

That is most definitely quicker and easier. Thanks :)
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damn good

Postby vvedge » Sun May 30, 2004 3:35 am

hehe, just in time
I already entered 10 or so sample before this change but havn't started my DNA bogo (see DNA Sample contributor : 180... ok this is 10-20 dna per creature maybe more so it's not a lot of creatures but hey, now with the DNA Laboratory we need AVERAGE values ;) ) and let me say this is a great saving of time !
really much easier now...
one more thing I would like to have is focus on dna quality when page load so I can do all my inputs only with keyboard... no more mouse waste of time ;)
Last edited by vvedge on Tue Jun 08, 2004 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Juntao » Sun May 30, 2004 11:55 am

Juntao Ta'kor

Master Creature Handler

Ahazi Galaxy

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